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looking for game developers

No money, only glory, gaming, and coding.

The web, desktops, GPUs, browsers, and wireless are all merging into the gaming sphere.

It is my theory that the typical browser par excellance' [mozilla] is not really up to good gaming standards and needs to be recreated. I'm not talking about modding mozilla, but a complete rewrite based on Chrome or V8, or an entirely new framework. The game engine itself should be a browser. This exists, in a form, for WoW, Unreal, and other online RPGs. I don't imagine it being impossible to code a ground-up viable cross-platform browser that IS a game engine.

One minor change: The back button goes away.  ;)

Please note me to join or for details.

The code will not initially be open source, but will follow the open-binaries/generational source model of Quake and other commercial vendors. The so-called "Limited Source" model allows for serious development without losing patents, trade secrets, to competitors who may trump you in the market visa vie SCO's attempt to skunk Novell. Open sources that are later released are then free of these liabilities having been commercially developed and proved.

This is a graduate program and will be used in full as a Thesis, or part thereof, for a Master's degree. Others who participate will also be allowed to utilize code for college credit under a license. Only binaries will be released to colleges without an NDA. Changes in this policy may happen over time or as necessary by core members.

Any profits or patents based on said technology will be equally shared by all participants, without exception, however I shall retain all rights and ownership of this project without limitation. Accepted coders will be briefed on how easy this is to do. If the alpha software is successful, incorporation shall occur and all coders will be fully vested as per agreements. This company will never be publicly traded, but will remain as a non-profit development agency to promote other companies and individuals who need money to code.

If nothing comes of it, after one year of inactivity all licenses and leases will void, and all rights will revert to the original authors.

Don't you ever wonder what it would have been like to have been on the coding team for Mozilla? Or, an early Google employee? Well this could be nothing like that, or exactly like that, depending on how successful the trial project is. All the early Google coders are billionaires, to my knowledge. Not that this will ever make that kind of change, but it'll make awesome resumes.

US Navy Programmer, cold war vet
2006, and 2007 at Microsoft.
