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Rap Game Martin Van Buren

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A survey. Do it. Post yours.

  1. How did you get into 31 (of Montreal)? 
My friend Caine said "Holy shit you have to listen to this album."

2. What was the first song you ever heard by 22 (The Smashing Pumpkins)? 
Most likely Cherub Rock.

3. What's your favourite lyric by 29 (Reggie and the Full Effect)? 
To be honest I can't really think of any one lyrics that stands out in my mind.

4. What is your favourite album by 49 (AFI)? 
Decemberunderground. It's consistent and it's the only album I've ever worn the bottom off of.

5. How many albums by 13 (Say Anything) do you own? 
2: a Real Boy and In Defense of the Genre

6. What is your favourite song by 50 (Megadeth)? 
Take No Prisoners

7. Is there a song by 4 (The Mars Volta) that makes you sad? 
Not really, but some of their songs are pretty moving.

8. What is your favourite song by 15 (Mudvayne)?. 
Internal Primates Forever

9. What is your favourite song by 5 (Misfits)? 
That's a tough one. I'd have to go with Bullet. 

10. Is there a song by 6 (blink-182) that makes you happy? 
Definitely Roller Coaster.

11. What is your favourite album by 40 ( Staff)? 
Well it's a podcast. But my favorite podcast is Retronauts.

12. What is your favourite song by 10 (Frozen Electricity)? 
Well I wrote every song by them. That's a tough one. Hmmm...probably I Hate Nickelback.

13. What is a good memory you have involving 33 (Slipknot)? 
When I was little I would go over to my neighbor's house and before we could play Mortal Kombat together I had to tell him all the members of Slipknot, point to their masks on his poster, and know all of their instruments.

14. What is your favourite song by 37 (Coheed and Cambria)? 
I really like Three Evils.

15. Is there a song by 19 (Death) that makes you happy? 
Well, it's Death, so not really, no.
16. How many times have you seen 24 (Suicide Silence) live? 

17. What is the first song you ever heard by 23 (Oceano)? 
Inhuman Affliction

18. What is your favourite album by 11 (iwrestledabearonce)? 
Danger in the Manger

19. Who is a favourite member of 1 (The Fall of Troy)? 

20. Have you ever seen 14 (1up Network Staff) live? 
Well I've never met anyone from 1UP, no.

21. What is a good memory involving 45 (Attack Attack!)? 
Hardcore dancing inside a car.

22. What is your favourite song by 16 (Brand New)? 
Degausser definitely.

23. What is the first song you ever heard by 47 (Four Year Strong)? 
Bada Bing! Wit' a Pipe!

24. What is your favourite album by 21 (Every Time I Die)? 
Their album Gutter Phenomenon is really growing on me, as is Hot Damn, but in terms of consistent quality I would go with New Junk Aesthetic.

25. What is your favourite song by 18 (Tool)? 
I don't know many of their individual songs. I just listen to the album.

26. What is the first song you ever heard by 38 (The Beatles)? 
Who knows? They're ubiquitous.

27. What is your favourite lyric by 3 (Insane Clown Posse)? 
"What is a Juggalo? A dead body. Well he ain't really dead, but he ain't like anybody that you've ever met before. He'll eat Monopoly and shit out Connect Four." 

28. What is you favourite song by 2 (The Devil Wears Prada)? 
If you asked me a month ago it would have been Don't Dink and Drance but it's Revive now. 

29. What was the first song you ever heard by 32 (Mastodon)? 
Blood and Thunder like everyone else.

30. What is you favourite song by 8 (A Day to Remember)? 
Here's to the Past.

31. How many times have you seen 17 (Eminem) live? 

32. Is there a song by 44 (Kanye West) that makes you happy? 

33. What is you favourite album by 12 (Fall Out Boy)? 
Infinity on High

34. What is the worst song by 46 (Slayer)? 
Any of their covers. UGH. that or Payback.

35. What was the first song you ever heard by 34 (Killswitch Engage)? 
Rose of Sharyn

36. What is you favourite album by 42 (Iron Maiden)? 
Virtual XI 

37. How many times have you seen 39 (Explosions in the Sky) live? 
None. I want to though, I hear they're really cool live. 

38. What is your favourite album by 36 (Metallica)? 
And Justice for All

39. What was the first song you ever heard by 28 (Job for a Cowboy)? 
Martyrdom Unsealed 

40. What is you favourite album by 7 (Giant Bomb)? 
Funny that this is the last question. Um...Giant Bombcast?