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My first ever...

A list of firsts.

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  • ...Games Console. I recieved this as a gift when I was about 9 or 10 (1982/1983). According to the info, it came out in 1976 so it was already an old system when I got it. I was completely unaware of this at the time though. I was also completely unaware of things such as Atari and Nintendo until at least 2 or 3 years later. Though I never got an Atari or Nintendo until I bought myself the DS many years later.

  • ...Personal Computer. The first model I had was the 48k rubber-keyed version. I eventually moved on to the 128k Plus 2 with built-in tape recorder. I think I got the 48k when I was about 11 (1984). Not sure exactly when I got the "Plus 2", probably when I was about 13 (1986). I occasionally play emulated "speccy" games nowadays from time to time, if I feel like having a nostalgia rush.