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GOTY 2011

GOTY 2011

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  • Although I enjoyed Arkham Asylum more, this is the best game I played this year. More moves, bigger environment, different villains

  • Legos + Harry Potter = awesome childhood things coming together. A good sequel that although didn't make that many changes from the original is still fun to play through.

  • I did not want to like this game. After what happened between Activision and Ifinity Ward and having fps fatigue I wasn't going to give Activision my money, but then about a week before the game came out my friends started poking at me and I got those old memories coming back and caved. I don't enjoy multiplayer much anymore, but the campaign, spec ops, and survival modes are real good.

  • My first ever fighting game. Pretty good, but I didn't want to sit down and memorize all of the characters moves so there wasn't too much for me to get out of it. The fatalities were awesome though.

  • Only reason this isn't higher is because I haven't had much of a chance to play it yet. Probably played it for about 2 hours so far and having fun stabbing people in the face like uh, uh, uh, uh, uh.

  • Great facial animations and an interesting idea for a game, but the story was terrible, especially after the "big twist." Game got repetitive after awhile, I have no idea what people see in this game.