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  • DominicCichocki posted a message on the post Wonderful Universe of TANG: Cloak And Dagger.

    @dan_citi: Didn't know that was a thing. Thanks so much!

  • DominicCichocki posted a message on the post The HotSpot - Episode 393.

    I find myself having the most similar opinions to Jeff. I really do not get what people see in Uncharted 2 that makes it somehow better than the others. I like the first one a lot as a simple treasur...

  • DominicCichocki posted a message on the post Part 05.

    @nawaba: I have the same thing! Every seven minutes give or take.

  • DominicCichocki posted a message on the post Part 04.

    I believe in you, Ben! You got this!

  • DominicCichocki posted a message on the post Part 01.

    I would love for my name to be picked in this. Also side note: I'm having a weird glitch with this video where it stops every six minutes and loads up the next episode as if I had finished watching. ...

  • DominicCichocki posted a message on the post Wonderful Universe of TANG: Cloak And Dagger.

    Video is unavailable now. :(

  • DominicCichocki posted a message on the post The HotSpot - Episode 366.

    I've always been a game collector. Ever since I was very young, my collection ebbed and flowed, but I was always as meticulous as I could be and greatly enjoyed gobbling up cheap games from used stor...

  • DominicCichocki posted a message on the post 638: I Found Drugs in a Locker and I Did Them.

    @dolphin_tequila: that's true. It's ten years old. But you can hear their love for those equally old RPGs even when they mention in passing. I don't expect long, drawn out rants about the game (which ...

  • DominicCichocki posted a message on the post 638: I Found Drugs in a Locker and I Did Them.

    Thanks for reading my email! It was much appreciated, as I had hoped. Also: As someone who was blasting through Xenoblade Chronicles again on Swtich, I was disappointed to hear it get such dismissive...

  • DominicCichocki posted a message on the post Nancy Drew: Alibi in Ashes - Part 2.

    I've never played these games, so I would defer to you, Abby, if you don't think it's necessary...but could you please spend some more time in the conversations? I think it's fun for the characters t...

  • DominicCichocki posted a message on the post Jan in the Sky with Trails.

    I loved Trails in the Sky on PSP. This first hour brought back a ton of memories, I'm glad to see you play it.

  • DominicCichocki posted a message on the post FF Lives to Live: The Super Mario Special Story.

    This inspired me to go back and play through the original Super Mario Bros since I've never beaten it. Playing along with this video, I've ended up about a world behind you. It's also a frustrating g...

  • DominicCichocki posted a message on the post 12/13/2019.

    I don't usually watch UPF, but I really liked this one. I liked seeing Brad try to get an achievement like that. I live for that kind of minutiae. It's the kind of thing I'd never do on my own unless...

  • DominicCichocki posted a message on the post Episode 5*Clubs.

    If there were ever a Giant Bomb series in need of a comeback...

  • DominicCichocki posted a message on the post Jeff Gerstmann's Pro Skater 3.

    Man, wish I had seen this live. This is also one of my favorite games of all time and is always worth coming back to.Also, the DS Tony Hawk games are underrated. American Sk8land is at least - that's...

  • DominicCichocki posted a message on the post My Third First E3 Episode 05.

    I loved these. This series is my favorite part of this E3 coverage.

  • DominicCichocki posted a new image.