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All-time favorites

This is not a "top x" list. This is a list of all the games I've played in my life that I think are the most enjoyable, so there is no specific genre or year/generation.

The games are not ordered from my most favorite to my least favorite, I just add them as I remember them.

List items

  • I'm not sure why this popped into my head first. Anyway, this was one of my favorite games from my childhood.

    I remember going to my friend's house and spending countless hours killing each other with homing explosive birds and dropping giant donkeys from the sky. This game was violent in its own adorable way.

    I definitely need to play this game again one of these days and let nostalgia take over.

  • The first Mario Party game I've ever played. Once again, it was in my friend's house (I didn't have a N64 when it came out).

    Playing this game must've been the most fun I've had playing a video game up to that moment in my life (I was probably 10 or something). I'm not a sore loser when playing multi-player games and I usually just enjoy a good time with friends; but when Mario Party 2 is on (or any other Mario Party, for that matter), you'd better watch it 'cause I'm gonna go berserk and chop your head off if you steal one of my stars.

    This game has nostalgia all over it. I loved and will always love it forever. Not because I think it's the best Mario Party, but because it was the first time I ever got to enjoy a game so much.

  • And so the memories of the Sega Genesis, my first game console to ever own, start flooding my mind.

    Definitely one of my favorite GEN games, this mother fucker was hard to beat. First off, I didn't know English as a kid, so knowing where to go each time you reached the end of a level was a very difficult task on its own. The story? No fucking idea. I just liked watching the pictures as all those strange words appeared underneath them.

    In all seriousness, this game is loads of fun. The levels are challenging, the graphics are cool, and the music is fantastic. (That music when you first enter a temple? Holy shit was I scared!). Plus, he has a gun that shoots freaking plungers! How could it get any better than that?

    I got to beat the game once, and I remember I felt a huge feeling of accomplishment. I've recently played it again and beat it in one easy go. Whatever, it was hard for my age!

  • Here's another GEN one for ya: Vectorman.

    My cousin first showed me this game when we were young. I remember failing miserably the first time I played it, so I got disinterested and put it down. A few days after that, my DAD was playing it on my Genesis. He got really into it (for reasons that I still don't understand up to this day, since he doesn't like video games at all) and all I did was watch. Eventually, I grew into it and started playing it too. It was hard to get comfortable with the controls, since I wasn't too good at kill-'em-all type of games and would get killed by every single fucking wasp.

    It took us a couple of days, but we finally got to beat it together. I guess the reason why I love this game so much, besides its breath-taking graphics and perfect music (which, by the way, could kick any other GEN game's ass), is because it was a really bonding experience with my dad that I got to treasure in my mind over the ye-- shit I'm getting really cheesy *punches himself in the balls* MAN UP!

  • To throw in some GBC games: Pokémon Trading Card Game.

    As a kid, I was a huge card collector (both Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon). It was a little bit of an obsession, now that I think about it. I enjoyed collecting the cards more than actually playing with them. I would go through all my cards every night and contemplate each and every one of the pictures in them. The same happened with this game.

    The thing about this game was that, in order to get more cards, you needed to duel more people. You had 8 gym leaders to beat and you would get booster packs every time you beat them (and, of course, a gym badge... but I didn't give a fuck about those). So I quickly transformed the point of the game from "beat the gym leaders and the league" to "GET EVERY FUCKING CARD IN THE GAME". Needless to say, I achieved my goal.

    I spent countless hours playing this game. I would say it was the first game that got me into completing a game 100% instead of just beating it.

  • I'll step it up to the GBA: Fire motherfucking Emblem.

    I'm a huge fan of all FE games, but the first one I played was this one. I never owned a GBA so I had to play this one on my computer, which made my fingers hurt after playing for a while.

    I guess this was my first tactics game I've ever played, which I suppose made it that much more challenging.

    I knew some pretty decent English when I first played this game, but I still had a hard time trying to figure out what was happening throughout the whole game. Still, I sort of threw in some of my imagination into it and filled in any gaps of the story that I didn't get.

    Loved this game from beginning to end. You have to really come up with a strategy in each level and plan out your movements at least two turns in advance, 'cause if the main character dies, it's game over.

    Even more frustrating than losing by having your main character killed was losing an ally. I took that shit personally! I'd get really attached with a character, level it up, equip it with some good gear, and then a fucking bandit would come over and kill it from behind. But see, that's what makes the game even better!

  • As soon as I remembered Fire Emblem, this game popped into my head. Yet another GBA tactics game. Only this one a little different. I had already played Fire Emblem before playing this game, so I was really pumped to start this one.

    The story is one of the things I remember the most about this game, since it was simply beautiful. I guess that when you're a kid, you want to play games about kids having cool adventures, since it would make it easier to immerse yourself into that world. Well, this game totally did that to me.

    With over 200 missions to play and plenty of different jobs to master (and momma LOVES mastering jobs in FF games), this game made me love tactic games even more. The DS game is also very good, but it can't compete with this one.

  • This was my very first game for N64. Funny story though: I remember going to my friend's house (the one who had the Mario Party 2 game) and we would sit down beside his brother just to watch him play this game. I hated it. I thought the game was downright BORING. I mean, just taking pictures of Pokemon? What the fuck!? Why not capture them or fight against them? The worst thing is that I was too young and stupid to actually say something like, I dunno, "Hey! I don't want to see you play this fucking game for six straight hours, dude! If anything, you should at least let US play it!".

    Years went by and, when I first got my N64, I had the unshakeable desire to get this game. Don't ask me why, but I really wanted to play this game for some reason. Perhaps I was still angry at the fact that I never got to play the game and still knew pretty much every stage like the back of my hand. Whatever the reason was, I got the game, and I loved it.

    You basically just have to take pictures of a bunch of Pokemon spread around different stages, but the magic of this game was getting to see how Pokemon in their natural habitat. It was like a virtual safari, but with freaking Pokemon! Plus, there were also some secrets just as where to find certain Pokemon or how to actually be able to take a picture of them (some of them appear for a short period of time, so you have to be quick).

  • What's better than photographing Pokemon? Making them FIGHT TO THE DEATH!

    I didn't have enough money to buy that many N64 games, so I would rent this one in a Blockbuster near home. And when I went back to return it, I would freaking rent it again and again.

    This game was perfect for the Pokemon fans, and I've always been a Pokefreak since the show first came out. I had a little obsession with this game, but you can't really blame me since it's FUCKING AWESOME.

    Not only can you play with up to 4 people, but you also have tons of tournaments and gym leaders to beat. Also, the mini-games are incredibly fun.

  • Yet another Pokemon game for the N64 (even though this one has nothing to do with the actual show; it's just a Pokemon-themed puzzle game).

    I'm gonna brag a little bit now by saying that I actually beat every difficulty mode in this game AND the Mewtwo level (which, yeah, it's fucking hard). This game gets you on the edge of your seat, man! You have to be lightning-fast and plan everything out within seconds. It can get frustrating, but it's a lot of fun.

  • It's time to start giving the Wii some love. And what better way to begin with than with "The Last Story"?

    I've played this game recently and, right off the top, this game is beautiful. The graphics are smooth and detailed, the music fits in perfectly with the ambiance, the characters are loveable and the story is very intriguing.

    To be honest though, the main reason why I wanted to play this game is for the voice acting. You see, I have a thing for British accents, and just listening to the characters talk was enough to make me love the game. But as the story progressed, my attention deviated a bit to all the other features of the game (as mentioned above).

    Overall, I would say this is one of the best games for Wii out there (at least the best RPG) and will definitely play it again sometime soon.

  • I've played mostly all Zelda games, and this is by far my favorite one.

    As I've said before, I love games in which you have to collect different things that are scattered around everywhere. In this case, The Wind Waker has various chests containing maps to sunken treasures lying deep within many places in the ocean. Not only do you need to get the chest containing the map, but you also have to decipher the location of the treasure and go fish it out.

    Apart from that, this game has all the Zelda features that we all love. What stands out the most to me are the beautiful cartoonish graphics, a perfect soundtrack, clever level design with fun puzzles to solve, and an innovating battle system that makes the game that much fluent and overall fun to play.

  • I had absolutely no idea what I was getting myself into when I first got this game.

    Basically, you get to be a defense attorney and you have to solve cases. For the most part, the game is simple: you need to investigate the scenes of the crime, gather evidence and talk to people. However, after you've collected enough information, you need to test your deductive powers in court by cross-examining witnesses and presenting the right piece of evidence when needed.

    The cases are absolutely mind-blowing. You'll start to unravel one mystery after the other and eventually put all the pieces of the puzzle together.

    I'm not saying that the first game was the best one ('cause there are 3 other games and a spin-off of one of the secondary characters), but that this game series is absolutely amazing.