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Thank Jeebus I rented it: FFXII

It's all well and good to have inverted camera control in a third person view. However. When you invert the horizontal and NOT the vertical, my poor little logical brain simply can not get the hang of it. Maybe this is what happens when you start getting old and impatient. But seriously, after several hours I was stil ending up looking at either the top of my head or the ceiling whenever i tried to rotate left/right while also changing the pitch of the camera. Then if I tried to correct the pitch while I rotated the view i'd end up turning the wrong way. Meanwhile 3 MOBs have started attacking me and I'm half dead before i get them into view of the camera.

Well at least Jeff and Vinny have opened my eyes to Persona 4. Whose story and characters are much more relatable and interesting, all on top of a good old turn-based combat system.