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Ok srsly

This site is horror in it's true form in my eyes, what the fuck is up with not letting me be named DPumbliQ and letting me use DPalmiQ?

This is the most fucked up bullshit I have ever heard of, cows that poop small Yodas that explode into smaller toilets would make more sense then not letting me be named DPumbliQ!

RAWR! NAOW i IS VERY ANGRIE AT U GB! C MAH ANGRIE FACE! >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

I would also like to add something, fuck you blog; this was lame, fuck you GB; you won't let me use the name DPumbliQ, fuck you GS; you won't let me say fuck and last of all fuck 4chan for being weird, thank you!