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Truth or Dare.

So I've been in a so called "committed" relationship the past few months or so now and it's funny, just the way things are happening. I don't feel any different, It's like I am in a relationship and like I am not at the same time. It's nice though, being able to have someone to talk too that's an easy listener, that's not your parents or your friends whom have really bad opinions on things.
    I don't know man, this update isn't going to fill in much considering the fact.  It's just nice, is all I'm saying, to finally be able to  "cope" and figure things out. I was in a weird place spiritually the past few weeks due to an odd transition period regarding my schooling and  where I want to go in the two years, but that seems to be over for now. 
I've been having self-realizations as well and they have been quite helpful lately to say the least. I guess that's a symbol of me getting older(in the good kind of way) and a symbol of things slowly starting to make sense....?