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The Doctor's Prognosis: SoulCalibur IV Impressions + MORE!!

Welcome my peeps to another edition of The Doctor's Prognosis! I am your humble host, Dr. C-LOS.


I just wanted to mention that one of my favorite WB cartoons, Freakazoid!, is now on DVD. I still think it's funny but I think it's not for everyone. Purchasing the first season was a no brainer for me. They also just released Tiny Toon Adventures on DVD which was a fun show when I was a kid. WB is usualy very good at making smart, funny cartoons so check these releases out if you're into that kind of thing like I am.

SoulCalibur IV

Well I don't really have too much money, I get paid tonight, but I bought SoulCalibur IV anyway. I just charged it...

So far, it's a great game and plays similar to the original Dreamcast iteration. I admittedly never played the sequels or SoulEdge though.

This time around they have armor pieces and you can break the armor if you stay offensive and your opponent likes the guard button. This can put them at a huge disadvantage where you can eventually break their guard and perform a critical strike that will finish them off.

So the game actually forces you to play smart. It's more about knowing when to react and strike instead of mashing buttons and hoping you pull off long combos.

So far it seems like the meat of the game is the Tower of Lost Souls Mode. The Story Mode is too short and the Arcade Mode offers nothing new. The Tower will have you ascending and then descending several floors filled with fights with multiple characters. The cool thing is that you can unlock treasures/items for the game by completing challenging objectives in each floor. Some are easy like just throwing an opponent once but some are more difficult like performing a critical finish on all opponents on the floor.

I haven't tried the online yet but so far I think this is a great game and will have you playing for hours in the Tower or with multiplayer. Definitely pick this up if you want a good fighting game.

DS Games

This is kind of random but I recently been playing some DS games my friend let me borrow and here are some notables.

Arkanoid DS: I was a fan of the original and this new iteration is a blast. Of course you get some nice power-ups but I was surprised with the quality of the music in this game. It actually tries to have a story to it which is kind of odd but not really needed. The great thing is that you can quick save during gameplay so you can come back to where you left off. Great update to a classic and worth looking into if you want some quick fun on the go.

Space Invaders Extreme: I was surprised with this one as well. Reminded me of Meteos, Rez, and Lumines in the way that it incorporates puzzle and/or music game elements into the gameplay. The music is great and you help it along with your actions which I thought was cool. It also seems like you get bonuses for nailing same-colored groups together. I only played it a little bit but it was a lot of fun and I think is another great update to a classic.

So there you have two new iterations of classic games which I thought for sure would suck but I was pleasantly surprised. Definitely check these game out as they're great additions to the DS library.

Cosplayer of the Blog

I thought this was pretty bad ass. It doesn't hurt that Samus is cute too.

Here is some advice for cosplaying... try not to look like you hate doing it.

That is all for this edition of the Prognosis. Thanks for reading my peeps!

Make sure to come see me again next time!