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Love Exposure is a work of genius

The free games on the PS store finally went up last night but I had to do something while they downloaded so I the switched the signal to DTV and Love Exposure was on Film 4. When I saw it was 4 hours, I thought perfect amount of time to wait on downloads.

Little did I know that the film was properly amazing, it has to be one of the best films that I have seen in years. Despite being 4 hours long I never got bored or thought the film dragged, it constantly kept me interested.

The director is sort of like the Japanese Tarantino in the way he structured the film with the first 3 chapters focusing on different characters, their back story and how they come to meet. The title card doesn't even show up until like an hour into the film!

My only problem with it was although the soundtrack was great, they used the same songs too many times but with a 4 hour film I could see how that happened. Also the first half is definitely a bit stronger than the 2nd half but the 2nd part changes the tone.

The film somehow reminded me of the Yakuza 4 storyline and how it had the same style of storytelling, part of me wonders if the film influenced the devs to tell the story in this way.

Anyway this film is an amazing achievement because it made a 4 hour film seem short to me, with it only being $10 on Amazon there is no reason not to pick it up