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Loving L.A Noire so far except for one problem

I could sing the praises of L.A Noire all day and talk about all the stuff that has already been said like how amazing the faces look, how accurate a recreation of L.A the game has and so on. But I'm going to talk about about my little annoyance with the game which is the questioning portion of the game.

When playing the game I'm fine at everything else like the finding clues (which is supermeely satisfying) and I enjoy the mechanics of the shooting and driving but I suck so bad at the questioning.

It is just not me because when I used the ask the community feature on question I knew I was right on, only 9% of people got the right answer, I think it's because it is hard to know when to doubt or outright say the person is lying. I'm getting better at it though because I only got 3 questions wrong in each case last night.

Another problem for me was that despite getting all the clues on a case and only one question wrong, I got a 2 star rating on a case because I picked the wrong suspect even though I had no evidence on the other one that the Captain wanted me to take in.

But rant over, I think the game is fantastic and everyone should be playing it now because it is one of the best games this year just behind portal 2