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Conflicting Stories

I like stories. I really do. Weird thing is that the games I like the most have little or no story. Here is my biggest example. My favorite game of all time: Super Smash Bros. Melee. Had no story whatsoever and I sung it's praises until everyone was sick of it. When Brawl came out, with the story mode, I hated it. I hated story mode. The story was good..........until the thing with Deep Space and the Never-ending maze. To me, the ending was clumsy. Kudos for having more Luigi, who IS better then Mario, but it wasn't enough. I hated the whole Final Fantasy "He's-not-the-villan-I-am-the-true-villan" thing. Snake, Luigi, Pokemon Trainer, and Olimar (the best character in the game, thank you very much) were interesting. The story also moved in an action movie like pace, which meant none of these characters were fleshed out enough. Hell, Mario wasn't even fleshed out. MARIO!!! With Melee, however, I can make up my own stories. I guess that's where I'm trying to get at.

Also, why was Sonic at the ENDING, even after the big deal that he was here at all?

The evils of Grand Theft Auto (not the controversies)

Alright. We all know this game. People like it. It works in some aspects. I, however, never liked it. Now, my problems are not it's controversies (kudos for upsetting politicians), but it's gameplay, dun dun dunnnnnnn. First of all, the graphics were bad and seemed like what I could do with a 3D model kit at 4. There is almost no story as far as I knew. Without a reason to move on, I felt no motivation to play. The controls, which is worse since it was the first 6th generation counsel game that I played, were stiff, unresponsive, and made me move the controler like a maniac. However, as I played it at a young age, my biggest gripe was the OPEN-WORLD! The game's awful package was in an open world. Not only did it overwhelm me, but it made me hate open world games in general. For me, there were too many flaws. GTA IV might have solved many of the problems, but sandbox games will never have a place for me, ever.


Only One, And It's Is Prety Much Untouched

I'm a Wii owner. In January, I downloaded The Legend Of Zelda from the virtual console. I played it for a bit, but the scope was too much for me. That's probably because the first open world game I played (Grand Theft Auto 3) was a game I HATED. Ever since, I hated open-world games. Let this be a lesson. Never decide where 500 Wii points go with einy-miny-miney-moe (Super Mario Bros. looks better and better).