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Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers
Edit # Wiki page Type Comment Sent for moderation Points Status
126284 New Game Game It's a newly-released game that hasn't yet made it into your wiki. 07/24/20 11:23PM 0 denied
109301 New Release Release 04/25/20 03:53AM 0 denied
109300 MetaWare High School Game Added similar games. 04/25/20 03:46AM 4 approved
109299 MetaWare High School Game Added platforms. 04/25/20 03:43AM 4 approved
109298 MetaWare High School Game Note: At the time of writing, it is unclear whether the demo is actually a demo for a yet-to-be-released game or whether it is a game that has the word "(Demo)" in its title. Because the game itself hasn't been released, all information presented here is with respect to the demo. 04/25/20 03:34AM 36 approved
109157 New Game Game It's a game on Steam that you don't yet have in your wiki. 04/24/20 11:38AM 10 approved
36922 New Game Game It's a game that recently released that isn't in your wiki. 01/27/19 11:08AM 10 approved
10289 New Game Game It's a game that's not in your wiki. 07/22/18 07:30PM 10 approved
9455 New Game Game It's an upcoming game that isn't on your wiki yet. 07/15/18 05:23AM 10 approved
6857 New Game Game It is a game that exists that isn't in the Wiki. 06/25/18 11:15AM 10 approved