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Far Cry 2 and Fable II Impressions

As you perhaps might have noticed on my gamercard, I've played Far Cry 2 and Fable II. Well, I had some money left over after preordering Gears of War II, so I decided to utilize Blockbuster since it's only a dollar per day to rent games there. So, here you are, my impressions:

Far Cry 2 - As some of you might have known, I was looking forward to this one quite a bit not long ago, so I wanted to get my hands on this one. It's... well... it doesn't click with me or something, or I just don't like it. The controls are pretty terrible (fast look is on heavily and can't turn it off, when sprinting you can BARELY turn), and the voice acting Did they even try? I mean it's not Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom bad (oh no, not even close), but it's like the voice actors were rushing through their lines and not really emoting or having any passion at all for their parts. Oh, and I didn't catch WHAT THE HELL was going on with the story. Way to make me not interested at all. You're just thrust into... shootin' dudes and doing objectives...for some dude. Meh. Overall, the only good thing I have to say about the game is the multiplayer map editor is pretty insanely good, but other than that, I'm going to have to pass on this one.

Fable II - I must admit beforehand that I have had ABSOLUTELY NO interest in this game, and the only reason I rented it is because I know some people that have it, and we could play some online coop. As soon as I could, I invited my buddy Arcavial in and we went on our merry way. Well, not really merry. Look, there's nothing really WRONG with the game, but it's just excrutiatingly boring to me. The voice acting again in this one, minus a couple of characters, is dreadful, and the combat seems laughable so far. I kept standing in place and tapping Y to automatically fire my gun at surrounding enemies. Yep, that's all it took. I plan on giving this game more of a chance today, but so far, my thoughts on this one is: Yaaaawn.

So yeah, reading this post, you'd probably say "Wow, this guy doesn't like anything, does he?" Nah, just coincidence. I LOVED Fallout 3, and had fun with nearly every other game I played this year, just a bad run. I'm going to save the rest of my money so I can rent Mirror's Edge and Left4Dead. ME demo was AMAZING.

Well, that's it for now. Sorry for no video, but I haven't felt like doing one.
