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Watch your back! wait, what?

What do I use all this firepower on?!
What do I use all this firepower on?!
So John and I finally got together to finish up the original doom, and I have to say... how anticlimactic was that?! Maybe it didn't help that I finished up Doom 2 first, but uhhh... what? They stock you up on like everything known to man (and a few things known to monkeys), and you're expecting to have this grand showdown of OH SHIT proportions and... nothing. In the final level, you fight a cyberdemon.....which was episode two's boss. Just one. Then you have to escape through a bunch of regular enemies.. that weren't hard at all. Then.... you find the exit and..... it's over? Lame.

Then there's episode 4, which is more or less a bonus expansion, but, that had ABSOLUTELY NO end battle. It was just like.. a bunch of regular levels. Huh. While I still thuroughly enjoy the original DOOM, it wasn't until beating them side by side just now that made me realize the second is a HELL of a lot better (har har, punz lolz).

I've never played Doom 3, but from what I've seen, it totally isn't classic DOOM, and more like FEAR or something. I want nothing to do with that honestly, but maybe I'll try it one of these days. I played Doom 64 a while back, by the way, and I wasn't a big fan of that at all, but maybe I'll give it another shot since I'm in that DOOMtastic mood lately. Who knows.

Check you guys later.