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Dragon Age 2. I already love you

It's only been a few hours since they uncorked the web page of Dragon Age 2. The first one literally stole hours of my life away from me, especially with their crazy achievements (still working on this game, the various play through ones are kind of mind-numbing). The first one provided an RPG experience that I could get into. I'm not much into the reading department, especially on quests. However, a few of them I just had to sit down and absorb, and I swear I've read every piece of Codex in that game. Dragon Age: Origins was also the only game that I have ever bought every single piece of DLC, just wanting more of the game. I do, however, and forgive me, I'm a little behind, need to get Awakening. I hear it's excellent. I should probably experience it first-hand, preferably before the new game comes out.
Back to the DA2. Not a whole lot of information is out yet but there is a little propaganda out there on the splash page. My favorite section has to be this part.

Go deeper into the world of Dragon Age with an entirely new cinematic experience that grabs hold of you from the beginning and never lets go. 

That is a key feature, y'all. The grabbing of the player and never letting go. I don't know about you guys, but Dragon Age can touch me anywhere it wants to and I am a-okay with that. Also, the teaser site reveals the date of the debut trailer (08/17/10, expect a blog post by me whenever this comes out with my impressions) and also allows you to pre-order the game. I've already gone and done that, so no worries. The last thing unveiled is two pieces of concept art. Hopefully this is updated quite frequently, but let me tell you, the art style is looking a little different in this one. I don't know how I feel about that quite yet; Nevertheless, my new desktop is the second piece of art.
I haven't been this excited for a game in a long while. Bring the noise, DA2, bring it hard and fast.