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GOTY 2015

I have touched 10 games that came out this year (barely)! Now I will rank them, as submitted for the Community Top 10 list!

List items

  • Seeing people play through the handful of levels I posted was great. Getting to watch my then-girlfriend live edit her creations and test them will always be a fond memory. Obviously the GB staff got a ton of mileage fooling around with SMM. But from where I'm sitting, the notion of infinite Mario alone makes this a landmark release. I've made a point of getting every Event costume so far, and am slowly unlocking the other costumes. It doesn't justify a Wii U (though as part of its library of exclusives, it does), but it is the best game of 2015.

  • Just missed the window of really playing this in tandem with my SO, but we played it around the same time before the end of a relationship so it will always have some sentimental value just based on that fact. Beyond that, what a wonderful and continuously surprising game.

  • I love how tonally strange this game is. The world is massive, and it will take me well into 2016 to have my fill of it. It helps that I'm currently rolling with a chick trick of a 90's shoegaze dressed protag, a middle schooler with heart sunglasses, and a hard military professional in purple armor. God bless XCX.

  • I've gone through and found every scroll now, and am most of the way through the launch 20-level multiplayer progression. Ranked play online is my jam. I like the stakes that high, it forces me to really push myself and not play sloppy. Nintendo made a third person multiplayer shooter.

  • I played through to the end in one feverish sitting. Haven't touched it since, which is why I couldn't see myself placing it higher on this list. Still, rarely do I throw myself so blindly at a game as I did with this one.

  • I don't even know what there is to say about this beautiful, fucking stupid thing. I'm dreadful, and my time online was spent primarily holding back my very talented (and fairly stoned) friends in pub games. Scoring a goal against a human being in this game is one of the best feelings you can legally have.

  • Seldom has so much been done with so little. A price which all but demands that you pick it up, game play trimmed of all possible fat, and a classic case of Nintendo style level structure where those desiring a stiffer challenge should definitely stick around for the bonus levels.

  • A commuter's commuting game if ever there was one. I'm maybe three puzzles away from finishing the first chunk of puzzles and have touched the other parks (bought the full pack). A fine puzzle game with those hallmark "put it down/come back and solve" moments abounding.

  • The creator had a fantastic interview with Jonathan Holmes earlier that year, and it pushed me from "absolutely interested" to "wanting to talk to the creator about Brian Eno on Twitter". Undertale stole so much thunder from this game, which shares a similar nonviolent message. Well worth trying.

  • I'm an absolute homer for Kirby. This is far from my favorite outing with the little pink devourer of worlds, in large part because I am not in love with the control scheme. It does demand some level of skill to find all of the hidden bibs and bobs throughout the courses in the campaign. The timed challenge mode might be the most stressful video game experience you could have had in 2015.