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Games I 've almost finished but probably never will

that's it

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  • Yo, this game is long. Actual details forthcoming.

  • OK, so I actually barely played this game but it's on this list since it's effectively the end of the Half-Life 2 story. And I've beaten HL2 and Episode One.

  • This game gets pretty hard and it's too annoying to bother to get better.


  • Another game that gets super hard

  • I've already seen the ending and there's no PS3 trophies so I have no motivation to ever play it again. Plus, I put like 100 hours into this game...and didn't finish it. I could have, but I was more interested in the side story stuff I hadn't seen.

  • I'm literally on the last level on my save. Some shit happened and I ended up not being able to play it for a long time. By the time I was, I had forgotten the game mechanics and didn't feel like learning them again. This is one of the dumbest things on here since it would probably take me about 20 minutes.

  • I'm not exactly sure but I feel like I'm close to the end. This game isn't especially hard but I just can't get past this part.