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#1  Edited By Entropy42

@entropy42 said:

I really dig the the new album of Disturbed this year. Really nice to hear them again after their hiatus :D

Right now I'm listening to Nonpoint on Spotify, and I'm really thinking about buying all of their albums at once... :D

That is DEFINITELY something you should do. To The Pain is a top 10 album for me. Their newest, The Poison Red, is really solid, too.

Also, that Disturbed album is like 2 years old at this point.

I picked up the new Red, 10 Years, and Trivium yesterday. I've only had the chance to listen to the Red album. I'm not sure how much more disappointment my heart can take this year. A ton of my favorite bands have put out new albums this year and and so many of them have been varying degrees of underwhelming, although none have been outright bad.

This Red album, Gone, however...oooh boy. The first three tracks hit hard and for a hot second I thought this may be their best work. And then there is a 90-degree drop-off for the next few tracks with what are arguably the worst songs they've ever done. It suddenly turns from symphonic, melodic alt metal to over-produced electro-pop garbage. It's just gross. Trying way too hard be like Starset, which is something no band should aspire to be. Half the album is good, and the other half I will never come back to again.

10 Years and Trivium, please don't let me down.

Thanks for the recommendation :)

I'm always looking for more music like that - i.e. rock or metal without constant growling or screaming and also not too fast. Trivium is kinda too fast for example. 10 years is a bit too soft on the other hand... I know, I'm weird :D I really have problems finding bands that I like to hear. If you have some more examples, just let me know ;)

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Netflix actually has gotten into our daily routine. While eating dinner in the evening we always watch an episode. Before Netflix was available in Germany we used to get our series from different sources... but they weren't that reliable, so we wholeheartedly embraces Netflix the moment it was available here. Fortunately my girlfriend and I have basically the same taste when it comes to media, so there is virtually no conflict in what we want to watch next after we finished yet another series.

The only complaint that I have is that some Netflix original series don't come out in Germany right away because of some shitty deals they made with Sky (an HBO equivalent for Germany). Series like House of Cards (where we learnt quite a lot of really specific words like "majority whip" or the fact that they really say "Nay" in votes...") only come to Netflix here when they had their run at Sky first, which takes forever.

But other than that... we can't complain about he pricing. Maybe 20€/month would start to feel bad, but we kinda gotten dependent on it - without our evening episode while eating we CANNOT SURVIVE :D

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CBS is saying they're getting record high subscription for startrek and confirmed a second season.

I just read that, too. I'm really glad to see that Star Trek is finally back again with a TV series :D I really loved all the Star Trek series, I even really dug the infamous season 3 of Enterprise (the one with Archer). Can't wait what they'll do with the story of Discovery...

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#4  Edited By Entropy42

I really dig the the new album of Disturbed this year. Really nice to hear them again after their hiatus :D

Right now I'm listening to Nonpoint on Spotify, and I'm really thinking about buying all of their albums at once... :D

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I haven't been to many concerts yet, so I'll just list all of them here:

1) Muse in Paris

2) Nightwish in Luxembourg

3) Die Ärzte in Losheim Am See

4) Die Happy in Luxembourg

Muse just easily steals the show here - they are the best live band imho :D

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Just bought and played The Beginners Guide. I knew it was from the creator of The Stanley Parable, and reviewers said one shouldn't actually expect something similar like that. So I didn't. And it really wasn't. Can't even talk about it a whole lot here because I would spoil everything for you :D Was really something else. Lasted "only" 1,6 hours for me, but no complaints. Go get it :)

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#7  Edited By Entropy42

Hi, I'm Entropy and I live in Germany. I grew up in East Germany, but since I was born 88 I actually didn't experience anything of the socialist world. I like to think that I actually grew up in a western country - I received a good (or at least good enough) education, got to play video and computer games and got access to the internet in a timely manner. We received a SNES around 96 I believe (still have it, still works :D) and a N64 (still works, too) around 2000. I also got a GameBoy and when that broke, a GameBoy color later.

I basically grew up playing Nintendo games on the SNES (Super Mario World, Yoshies Island, Donkey Kong Country 2, F-Zero, Mario Kart), later on N64 (got it for Pokemon Stadium actually because my friends and I were crazy into Pokemon; but we also got Donkey Kong 64, Mario Kart 64 and F-Zero X). My friends introduced me to most of my early PC games, like Starcraft and Quake 3 (we regularly played mostly those 2 games on LAN parties in on of our homes... those were such blasts :D), but also Need For Speed 3 + 4 and Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Battlefield 1942.

I skipped the whole next console generation and focused more on PC games then, and after my school was finished in 2006 (in the state where I lived we only had 12 years total for graduation) I moved to the Saarland (thats about 600 km to the west of where I grew up btw.) to study computer science, and since 2011 I work as a software developer at a small company.

In my studies years my girlfriend and I moved together and we bought a Wii around 2007. She had a GameCube and brought my in contact with Zelda the first time. My first Zelda game was actually The Wind Waker, and I loved it, but I was bad at it compared to my girlfriend (she had a head start with that, so... :D). Then I played Twilight Princess, and some years later I eventually played Ocarina of Time. I realize that this completely backwards, and my favorite of all Zelda games I played so far is Twilight Princess... weird, I know :D But since we skipped the Wii U and still have no Switch (planed for next year...) we haven't had a chance to play Breath of the Wild, but I expect it to become my new favorite.

Since I had start working ~8 hours a day by 2011, my gaming hours obviously were reduced. I was really in to Starcraft 2 in those days, and I played a lot of 1v1 on the ladder. I took it quite seriously and spent nearly all of my spare time on this - eventually I got in the Masters league... but then my motivation just plummeted. I realized that I spent all my spare time on one activity - a game, that can get quite frustrating in fact. So I stopped playing it and haven't looked back since. I am now more in to story based singleplayer games: my favorites now are the Mass Effect Games, The Witcher Games and Life is Strange. My Steam library has now over 60 games thanks to some nice Humble Bundles :D

I'm currently playing PUBG (only for 5 days now... still learning...) and Antichamber, and I'm seriously considering buying Life is Strange Before the Storm right now, even though the third episode is not out yet... its just itching me sooo much x.x

Some other random stuff:

- learning to play guitar for 14 months now

- music taste: rock and metal without constant screaming/growling

- the only sport I'm having fun at is indoor climbing

- I am NOT into Anime or Mangas or JRPGS AT ALL... the whole style just screams "I AM FOR CHILDREN" to me... can't help it - not judging though; metal isn't for everyone either ^^

Well, that was way more than I thought I would write here in my first post... if this thread is meant for short intros only, I'm sorry ^^.