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UPDATE: Ratchet and Clank impressions, I chug coke!

So a couple days ago I picked up Ratchet and Clank: Future. Now usually in a game, for me, graphics aren't a huge deal. For example, graphics like in Resistance, CoD etc. (realistic graphics that try to look like real life) although they look awesome don't really do much for me. Sure they're great but they don't really stand out. Now in a game like R&C or other kind of 'cartoony' games they are just awesome. They look so vibrant and different you can't help but love them. Anyways that's just me. There's tons of different gameplay in it and, despite what Gamespots review says, this is certainly a GOOD thing. I wouldn't have bought this unless Devian hadn't recommended it (when he was still on GS, 2007) so thanks Devian/sonic5227.

I reserved my copy of Skate 2. and I'm getting it at the end of the month. Looks awesome! I loved Skate. so this should be great. Oh here's me. Drinking coke. Yeah. I'm in the GB video too! I'm the guy who drinks right before the music gets really catchy! What an honor!