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Who has not yet bought Destiny 2, I advise you to read my topic on the Bungie website (it is short) about the banns in Destiny 2. I'm lucky guy, because was banned before I could enter the acquired Destiny 2 Exhausted Delux Edition, Blizzard recorded the fact that I couldn’t even enter the game for 1 second, so they return money to me, but you may not be so lucky.

Despite the return of money, this story hooked me and I will try to inform as many people as possible about this. I first encountered with such surrealism.

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#2  Edited By EthicZetetic

Who has not yet bought Destiny 2, I advise you to read my topic on the Bungie website (it is short) about the banns in Destiny 2. I'm lucky guy, because was banned before I could enter the acquired Destiny 2 Exhausted Delux Edition, Blizzard recorded the fact that I couldn’t even enter the game for 1 second, so they return money to me, but you may not be so lucky.

Despite the return of money, this story hooked me and I will try to inform as many people as possible about this. I first encountered with such surrealism.