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Gaming Depravation

So, I’m having game withdrawal syndrome. It’s been almost 4 weeks since I’ve had a gaming session longer than 1 hour. Anyone who’s an avid gamer knows that it totally sucks to suddenly be shut off from games; not because you want to be, but because you just have other obligations taking up all of your time. For me, I’ve had a weekend class for the past three weeks that lasted 9 hours on Saturday and Sunday. Any time during the week days was taken up by my girlfriend, which is awesome sure, but does Indiana Jones stop lookin for treasure when hes getting laid? No. I’m no better than Indie so I am missing my games.

I’m not addicted to games or anything….but I’m totally addicted to games. Recently, I’ve come to appreciate Diablo 3’s way of resetting the world whenever you disconnect. This means that in my short chunks of gaming I can at least explore and fight rapidly, so I can still level efficiently, even though I’ve cleared the same area probably 15 times now. Progress may be slow! But the Great Wall of Witchdoctor wasn’t built in one day, or however that saying goes.

I’m gaining this unhealthy obsession with news at work. I must read every Giant Bomb article that ever appears on the front page. It’s like I’m trying to live out a game by hearing a quick look on it. It’s as close as I can get! Desperate times call for desperate measures. Hell, I’m even tempted to start chargin through the Persona 4 endurance run. And that’s 150 somethin parts of gaming passion. Not to mention it’s been raining every day for the past week, which just brings down mood altogether. Sometimes, life hates games.