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My top ten games of 2008.

Since  I work at game stop I have acess to playing a bunch a games and this year was no exception. If you are gamer looking for something to play (or a normal persn looking for a gift) these 10 titles are games you shouldn't pass up.

1. Dead Space : This game exceeded every expectation I had but most important all was the best experience I had. Graphics are some of the best I have seen , the audio is bone chilling and the enemies are varied and horrifing. The best thing about this game is its immersive qualities. The lack of a Heads up display and the fact that everthing happens in real time makes this game one you can't put down. I actually felt i was on that ship dismembering for my life.Even if you are not a fan of the survival horror genre you must pick up this game. This is the best game of 2008.

2. Left 4 dead: This was the ultimate online experience I had all year. What could be better then you and a group of friends killing every zombie in sight? The answer is you and a group of friends playing as zombies and throwing up, strangling clawing or smashing every human player in sight. The only way to play is as a team for this game.

3.Grand Theft Auto 4: This game has the most impressive story I have seen all year. Niko Bellic is a bad guy you want to get to know and the game itself is hours of fun.

4.Braid: This xbox live arcade game takes mario and time manipulation and makes an experience that can't be beat. The puzzles in this game make you feel smart and break your perception of reality. This game is an original.

5.Gears of War 2: Let me start with one statement first. I hated Gears of war 1. This game fixed every problem I had with the first Gears( The online unfortunately is riddled with problems).  Beautiful graphics, good story, great co op, impressive add ons, more monster and weapon variety make this game hard to pass up.

6.Patapon: If you have a psp go out and find this game. This game is a rythm squad rpg side scroller. Seriously, How many games can say that? Its fun, cute , addictive and has many hours of content. Watching my minions go into fever mode and start dancing makes me want to dance myself.

7.Super Smash Bros Brawl: It didn't break boundaries. It doesn't have Jaw droping graphics and the strory mode is horrible. Why does this game make my list? Because it does everying I wanted the game to do. This is the ultimate wii party game not like mario party and those other posers. This game is pure Fun.

8.Castle Crashers: Nostalga is why this game is on my list. Castle Crashers proves that you don't have to reinvent the industry to come up with a good game.All you need is solid game play, good art style, addictive music and a story that makes you laugh.

9.Fallout 3: This Game is Big. Really really big. Great graphics and endless side missions. I've yet to beat the game but already I'm hooked.

10. Prince of Persia: Some wont agree with this one but this game truly deserves to be on this list. It has its faults but the game is beautiful as well as simple. Its presentation is amazing and the story is pretty good. The combat is easy but also very rewarding.

Thats my top ten hope you enjoy and I might be doing some more game reviews in the future so stay tuned.