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Predictions for video game launch schedule in 2011

Okay so it has become a tradition of sorts for games to be delayed in the fall do to a large amount of triple A titles.
 Here is what I believe the schedule will be for high profile games between September and January of next year.
1. Gears will remain on target for September.
When Gears 3 was delayed from April to September a friend of mine asked me how I knew that it was going to be that time frame. If you look at Microsoft's history, now that they don't have a Halo game in September, Gears 3 made sense to fill the void. They also wouldn't want a November release in order to avoid competition with any third party releases.(CodMW3)
2. Batman will not be pushed back from October. 
Sending Batman into November would be suicide for the next installment . Expect a PR storm in the coming months.
3.Battlefield 3 will be released on October 11th or 18th.
Dice and EA want to challenge the presumed release of CodMW3. However they would most likely aim to try and lighten the sails before the game came out. Much like they did with Medal of Honor. (Even though Medal of Honor sucked) 
4. Next Call of Duty game will be released on 11/08/11
Every year, Activision puts out a new COD game and it is always around this time. They have share holders to please and COD= money. The only way this will not happen is if the Ex-Infinity Ward case directly affects the Franchise itself. Like Vince Zampella owning the IP or something.
5. Mass Effect 3 will be delayed till 01/24/12
As much as I want a new Mass Effect I don't think it will happen this year. They have not gone thru the traditional steps in PR to secure a window of November or December.
There as been no GTTV episode, week long reveals on popular Video game sites, no reveals to the press or Game informer cover. We are already in April and have hear nothing about it. The only ting they have done is release the trailer for the Spike game awards. This really isn't a bad thing and it just give more time to work on the game.
6. Last Guardian will not be released this year in the U.S .
They pushed back the Shadow and ICO pack to the fall. Sony already has enough stuff for fall and they were effectively using this package to promote hype for Last Guardian. They will probably throw in a demo into the Shadow/ICO pack.
7.Uncharted 3 will arrive on time.
They have shown the game a little. They have less fear from COD because they are not ENTIRELY the same audience and they have already announced a date.
8.New Assassins Creed will be announced in May and will be released in either in late October or after COD.
No comment.
9. Ghost Recon will arrive in September/October or will arrive in February..
Ubisoft needs money. They pushed it back to do more work on it . Not many third party shooters want to fight COD besides Battlefield.
10. Long shot Prediction Capcom will release either DMC or Resident evil : Operation Raccoon city in January.
Call it a Hunch.
I could always be wrong but I have a gut feeling about all this. I look forward to seeing how my prediction fare.
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