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Top 5 overlooked games of E3

Hey guys these are some of my top 5 overlooked games of E3. Change title to top 5 new challengers of E3.

During my week of E3 I consumed a large quantity of information. I watched premiere trailers, interviews, press conferences as well as read many articles on all things E3. I constantly saw a select few titles rise to the top of the fish bowl to claim the biggest amount of interest. Titles like Skyrim, Bioshock Infinite, Mass effect 3, Uncharted 3 and Batman Arkham City seemed to be the most popular titles among a few of the elite games to premiere. The list I present to you is not my top five games of E3 but rather my new top five games on my radar. In order to qualify, the following titles had to either impress despite undesirable circumstances or make enough noise to pique my curiosity.

5: NeverDead :Uniqueness is a rare quality that we don’t see enough of in this Shooter focused, MMO grinding world. NeverDead is a game where the protagonist is a man who is cursed with immortality. The game looks cheesy and very Japanese, which is odd considering that the studio behind it is very western. The game play itself is a third person action game which isn’t unique at all until you add the fact that main character is occasionally seen hopping on one foot or running around without a head. I don’t believe this game is going to be amazing but I believe that if you enjoyed the humor of Bayonetta then this may be one to keep a close watch on.

4: Tomb raider: Lara Croft has always been a pretty shallow character with the exception of her physical traits. She has always been portrayed as a big breasted babe with guns who smashes ancient pottery even though she is always trying to put some strange artifact in a museum. The recent game play and interviews have led me to hope that we will finally see an expansion of her character. Tomb Raider focuses on a vulnerable 21 year old Lara who finds herself shipwrecked on a mysterious island with hostile inhabitants and dangerous predators. The gameplay shown puts an emphasis on the pain that Lara will have to overcome if she is to escape the island. We haven’t seen any combat yet but Lara’s E3 appearance has done more then enough to whet my appetite. Lets just hope that the mostly quicktime event moments will not be an overwhelming part of the experience.

3. Resident Evil : Operation Raccoon City : I was really ready to write off the Resident Evil Franchise after RE5. The game play mistakes of Resident Evil 5 were terribly archaic and made me think that Capcom had not learned. Then I saw that the new Resident evil was going to be developed by Slant Six Games, who gave us hits like Socom Confrontation.(If only there was a sarcasm font) This spelled disaster for the franchise until I saw a lot of gameplay for it. The game play appears to be a third person version of Left 4 Dead, a game I continue to enjoy to this day. The game will feature characters that are tied to different classes such as medic, recon, assault and demolition. Both opposing forces will have specific objectives to complete that clash with each others success. Furthermore, the game will feature Bio Weapons that have no allegiance along with the horde of zombies that player will have to survive. Capcom has also stated that game will not be cannon and seen as a “what if” scenario. The major thing that has really excited me are interesting game mechanics like once a player is infected they will have a few seconds to live before they turn on their teammate, while at the same time offering invisibility to the zombie horde.  I hoping that enough time and care is put into this game to stop it from becoming another cash whore for Capcom.

2. Dragon’s Crown: There is not much to tell about Vanillaware next console game. The game looks pretty like every other game Vanillaware has worked on. The game is side scrolling, which again, is consistent with Vanillaware’s style. This difference between this game and past is two fold. It is a multiplayer game and it will be for the PS Vita and PS3. It is yet to be confirmed if it will have any transfarring capabilities but it doesn’t seem outside the realm of reality. The only thing I am disappointed with is that it currently is slated for Sony consoles only. Even though I would much rather play it on the Xbox, I will most likely not wait to see if that ever become a reality. Seriously watch the trailer below.And your eyes may melt.

1. Prey 2: Everything that ever had to do with Prey I did not like. It wasn’t an abortion, it just wasn’t very good. Prey 2 takes everything but the name and genre and throws it out the fucking airlock. The environment is no longer a bland series of claustrophobic corridors in a space ship but instead a dark, sudo sci-fi western inspired, open world shooter. Also it has parkour elements. Just think about that for one moment. Go on. I’ll wait………..back yet? Okay. Doesn’t that sound amazing? You play as a bounty hunter with crazy gadgets and will dynamically get new tools and abilities to capture your bounty. The game also allows you to approach a bounty from multiple angles and doesn’t force you to engage in pure combat . An example of this is you could ask a scumbag and his friend for information on a target or you could blow the friends head off and demand the information. You can go in guns blazing or you can use an associate of the target as a bartering chip. I urge anyone to look into this game because as far as I am concerned we could be witnessing a new challenger for your wallet next year.