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I had a birthday!

Hello internet friends. 
I trust you're all well and good. Seeing as it's early February, I think it's about time I made my first blogpost of the year. And seeing as it was my birthday yesterday, what a good way to spread the love. Also to show off some swag and such! 
So naturally, the day started with waking up at 8, and being greeted by this (Face removed to obvious "OMG IS THAT A GIRL" syndrome) 

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As you can probably see, a relatively bevy of treats awaited me! (And last nights plates in the window. Shut up already! 
To my surprise, I got an exceptionally lovely haul! 

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My mother picked me up Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Despite the fact I have INFINITE BOOKS to read at the moment, this was a nice treat. I'm looking forward to reading that. The rest is at it seems. Will explain the most pressing image shortly! Oh also, my better halves parents got me a lovely USB cup warmer. Useful to put a pot of tea on when I'm in a Starcraft 2 match! 

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This was the package I opened from my better half. The best things. It also saves me the hassle of picking a main race when I play 1v1 on the ladder, now I HAVE to play Protoss. And hey, I'm okay with that! However, I thought the same that you did. Portal 2 isn't....even OUT YET. WHAT IS THIS DEVILRY?  

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It was a ruse all along. Although what I actually found was JUST AS GOOD.  

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However, my partners card was arguably the show stealer. The front can't prepare you for what's to be inside... 

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Somehow, all the worst (best?) pictures of me were acquired, and I was magically transformed. Oh well, it makes for the BEST CARD of all time, right? RIGHT? 
Well, suffice to say, it was pretty magical, another year, another great little bounty! 
If you'll excuse me, I'm now going to kill myself by means of overcaking. God speed, friends! 

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