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#1  Edited By favmeister

It ditches the personal touches that made GTA so dramatic.  Any game that revives your homies by pouring a forty on them is good enough for me.  I hope they get liscensing from Steel Reserve!

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#2  Edited By favmeister

Good variety across the board.  They are definitely taking care of their fans by not trying to milk them for an extra buck.  The only thing I would wish for would be more oldies.  I know it sounds lame, but, whenever I listen to them on the radio, I can jump right in and start singing along without any delay.  Some of my friends are dialed in to singing and playing guitar at the same time.  My jealously makes me want to find a work-around.  Why not just wish for more simple songs that I know to improve my fading rockstar status.  Some of the greatest frontmen in history can sing and play at the same time.  It's my turn to join them!