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How can I watch the Watchmen?

Last night I finally finished reading the Watchmen Trade and the first thing that came to my head was: 'there is no way this is going to be a successful film!' Don't get me wrong, The Watchmen is a great Comic book series and definitely deserves all the credit it gets but after reading it, I find it hard to be able to:

a) translate that success into film


b) appeal to most people.

The reason I feel this way has to do solely with the ending of the book. Since I am going to assume most people have not actually read The Watchmen, I won't spoil the ending but rest assured, it's not exactly the best 'hollywood style' ending. The way things happen in the end seem too 'unrealistic' for most people to be convinced or to feel good. Yes, it does make sense in the grand scheme, but I really doubt most people will understand it.

I felt really weird after the resolution to everything. The whole plot makes sense but the way in which the characters act afterwords would probably cause most people to question the entire plot.

I really wish I could talk to someone about this in more detail, but since I can't spoil it, I guess I'll just have to wait.

Am I off on this or do people agree?