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Average score of 2 user reviews

A N00b Like me can get the grasp of it 0

So I watched Jeff do his Quick Look on the SNK fighters on XBLA and I wanted in because it looked fun. Long story short I found this little gem. I had played Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 and Dead or Alive 4 but never got the feeling that I was making progress with any one character. I popped this game in and start to feel like after a while I was actually getting a hold of it. Then I would practice the moves and combos and finally get a general grasp on the special moves. Any bones I have to pick wi...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

It might be worth it just to play Dream On and Cat Scratch Fever 2

Let's face it, Guitar Hero: Aerosmith is pretty much Guitar Hero 3. There are a few adjustments (the most notable being the hammer ons and pull offs aren't mushy feeling) but the one thing that makes it stand out the most other than it being mostly Aerosmith is it's lack of content. It's not that 41 songs isn't a lot of songs, or that any of the songs aren't fun to play, it's the fact that its asking for 60 dollars for what should be something that goes for about 40. Yet, the content you do get ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.