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Underrated of Overlooked Games That I Really LIke

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  • This is a dodge ball game staring the characters of Monsters Inc., and it is also a really fun multiplayer game. Is there a lot of content here? No, not really, but there is fun to be had. This game plays well, and the variety of different balls adds some strategy to the otherwise basic premise. This game will not blow anyone away with its scope or presentation, but it's a fun little game that, if ever expanded upon, could be a legitimate and engaging Xbox Live Arcade game.

  • If you saw this game on this list and said, "Whoa, that game is great, why is it on here?" then you can move on because you have already seen the light. For the rest of you, WiC is on this list because it is legitimacy one of the greatest real time strategy games of all time. Depending on my mood when you ask me, I'll tell you it's the greatest RTS ever, beating out heavy hitters such as StarCraft, Command and Conquer and Company of Heroes. The game works on every level, and is one of the most complete experiences in video games.

    The single player is a Red Dawn inspired story of a Russian invasion of America and Western Europe. You command small groups of units and also earn points to purchase powers such as air strikes, napalm, airborne supply drops, and even tactical nuclear weapons. Using these you must capture and hold various strategic positions on the map. The game is less about speed, and more about careful positioning and correct unit choice. You never have more than a dozen units to control at one time, which keeps the game from overwhelming you, yet that doesn't mean there isn't plenty of action or intense moments. What really sets the single player campaign apart is the characters and the story telling. The presentation is stunning, the game scales very well and manages to look great on almost any computer, and the game overall just has a unique and interesting feel to it that doesn't really compare to any other RTS game.