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Average score of 15 user reviews

Retro goodness, but buggy 0

Back when I was a kid, we didn’t have these fancy-schmancy games with 3D graphics and pumping techno soundtracks, we had games with big blocky pixels, no music at all, and simple controls, and we LIKED IT!There, now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, I can actually get something accomplished. The 1980’s were known for many things. Punk music, big hair, the beginnings of electronic music, Ronald Regan, cocaine, cell phones the size of a briefcase, etc. Another thing the 80&rs...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Recognition is different than Understanding 0

Let me first start off by apologizing. I’m sorry Rio, I don’t mean to yell at you and get angry, but you just don’t listen. I mean, I try, really, I try, to help you out, but when you don’t do what I tell you to do, or do something completely wrong, it upsets me… and… sometimes… I let the monsters hit you… on purpose. I’m sorry.Lifeline is a new kind of survival horror game, with a twist. In Lifeline, you do not actually control the main ...

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Happy Squid 0

I have heard it said that the true mark of genius is when someone looks at your creation and says '“Why didn't I think of that?'” Lumines is a game that many people may say close to the same thing. While a simple concept, the gameplay is quite deep, and the style is off the scale.Lumines is the first puzzle game on the Sony PSP, and much like Tetris, which was released on the original GameBoy, it is a game which may define the portable's life and how it is perceived in the future. Su...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Prison is Hell 0

I have never been to prison, except for once to pick up my brother. That is a fact that I am extremely proud of, and, after playing this game, I feel very glad of this. The marketing line of this game is "Prison is Hell", a fact that most people are already aware of, and if the concept of prison isn't scary enough for you, they've gone and filled it with Silent-Hill-ian horrors.I didn't know very much about The Suffering going into this game. I knew from coverage that it was a survival horror ga...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Well beyond good 0

Recently, on a whim, I picked up this game, after reading very little about it. I read that it was supposed to be some sort of stealth based conspiracy game, set in some sort of fantasy/Sci-fi world, and that was pretty much the extent of what I knew about this game going into it. This game pleasantly surprised me.  In this game, you play Jade, a freelance photographer, and protector of orphaned children. Along with your half-hog uncle Pey’j (pronounced Page), you run a lighthouse, which also...

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Viceral, action-based entertainment 0

Visceral, action-based entertainment will always have a warm place in my heart, way down there with the original Doom and Quake, etc. Games which don’t bother much with plot, but just give you hours upon hours of action. While I enjoy a game with a large arcing plot line, sometimes you just want to get elbows deep in gore and action with little need for a complex story. Painkiller is a game that gives you a double-barreled blast of action delivered point-blank to your face, whether you like it o...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Vastly Underrated 1

Back a few years ago a game was released on PS2 called Sly Cooper and the Thevious Raccoonus to loads of critical acclaim, and seemingly very little sales. The game was a blend between cell-shaded platformer and Metal-Gear style sneaking, and was very good at what it did. The only real problem with the game was its length, clocking in at around 8 hours of gameplay, it was a real disappointment in what was an otherwise great game. This new sequel takes care of that problem, and a fixes a few oth...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Like a meat cleaver to the face! 0

At E3 this last year I saw quite a few different games, many of which I was aware of, and some I'd only heard some vague reference to. One of the games that took me completely by surprise was The Punisher. After the movie that was released last year, it's no real surprise that a game was under development, but with the disappointment which was that movie, it wouldn't be wise to expect too much, but it was easy to see from the brief demo at E3 that this game was going to be highly entertaining. F...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A good movie-based game? 0

It’s not very often that a movie-based game, or, for that matter, a game-based movie, has been any good. Such abominations, such as E.T., or Charlie’s Angels, or ones so bad they’re painful to bring back into memory, such as Ringu for Dreamcast… *shudder*. Occasionally, you will find a good game based upon a movie, such as GoldenEye for N64, or the recent Lord of the Rings games, where the game is as good, or sometimes surpasses the movie experience. The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from But...

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Dooooooooom! 0

Recently there has been a game released called Doom3. Maybe you have heard of it? It's a small remake of an old game that was released some 10 years ago, called Doom. If you've never heard of it, don't feel bad, it was a small game which almost no one played, by a software company which didn't really go on to accomplish anything else. All kidding aside, Doom3 is a game which has some pretty big, albeit low-rez, shoes to fill. The original game could easily be called the father of all modern Firs...

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Innovation! 1

With a series such as Myst, which has had, so far, 6 games, and 3 books, innovation is the key. The original was nothing more than a interactive slideshow put together with Hypercard and Quicktime, and some advanced (for the time) 3D rendering technology, however it came on a shiny new CD-ROM disk, which was just starting to find its usage in the computer world. The second game was, indeed, more of the same kinds of puzzles, however there was also a sense of exploring a new civilization, and inc...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

This game sucks, in a good way. 0

Now, this may not be something you would expect from the likes of me, but I have been a player of games in the World of Darkness series for quite a while. While I was never a large fan of Vampire: The Masquerade, I was quite familiar with the series. This gives me an ability to come at this game from two perspectives, one from the game reviewer, and another from the series fan. One of the things you notice when playing this game is the similarities between this game and a previous game I have en...

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Metal Gear Blotter Acid 0

One of the more unique games released for the PSP at its initial release was the latest installment in the highly popular Metal Gear series, Metal Gear Acid. Once again created by Hideo Kojima, whose name has practically become a household word since the release of Metal Gear Solid was released back in '98. However the Metal Gear series exists much further back than that, with Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2 being released back in '87 and '90, respectively. This game seems to be Kojima's love letter...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Really not that bad. 0

Unless you've been hiding under a rock, you know about the game Katamari Damacy, the quirky little game where you roll a ball around and pick up stuff. Released late last year was the sequel to the game, We Love Katamari, which included more levels, more things to do, a different between-level system, and new gameplay styles. These games are all well and good, but are both released on the PS2, so they were not very portable. Namco solved this problem by releasing Me & My Katamari for the PSP...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Gah! 1

Gah. I feel that we are friends, you and I. I feel that we share a very close bond… The kind of bond which can only really be shared between someone like me, who writes reviews, and someone like you, who reads these reviews. And, as we are so close, let me tell you something about me which you wouldn’t normally know, yet is vital to understanding this review; I am a very big fan of Akira Kurosawa’s films, and my collection of Kurosawa’s films are surpassed only by my collection of Mystery Scienc...

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