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Most Memorable Moments

Moments in gaming that are unforgettable and magical.

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  • [The Boss's Final Battle and Eva's Confession]

    One must live and one must die. The best of the Metal Gear saga has an amazing conclusion when you confront your mentor, The Boss, in a field of white flowers. During every encounter with her prior to this moment she was an awe inspiring fighter who put Snake on the ground but now you stand on even ground. Listening to Eva's tape and the revelation of what The Boss actually did adds such a weight to the story that I felt everything that Snake was feeling.

  • ["Would you kindly..."]

    The moment of awe when you confront Andrew Ryan remains a favorite moment for me. It's a moment when all of the little threads lead back to the source and the picture is complete.

  • [Final confrontation with the Queen]

    The final battle of ICO is a favorite of mine because of the sheer emotion behind it. Ico is willing to give up his life to save his friend Yorda from a fate she doesn't deserve. With the queens immense power pushing you back and the knowledge that if you lose Yorda will be forever lost you have to push your way forward and somehow deal a critical blow to the queen on her throne.

  • [Rinoa and Squall on the Ragnarok]

    Floating through space and coming upon the Ragnarok is a favorite moment because it's the first time these two characters, Squall and Rinoa, have the time to be alone and speak their minds. Upon entering the Ragnarok they have to clear the halls of pesky monsters and fight their way to the bridge. On the bridge, they express their feelings for one another and make an important bond that runs through the rest of the game and culminates in the ending montage.

  • [Wrex's Death]

    While I had talked to Wrex a few times and found him to be an interesting character I didn't get to know him as well as I should have. Rushing through the game I neglected Wrex and when the time came for the 'big' decision I was unable to get Wrex to comply with my viewpoint and he was promptly killed. I lost a character in my game because I didn't get to know him enough. It was mind boggling to me and a moment that changed the way I view and play games.