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Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers
Edit # Wiki page Type Comment Sent for moderation Points Status
123796 Troubleshooter: Abandoned Children Game Added a section describing gameplay. 07/08/20 10:26AM 334 approved
122994 Troubleshooter: Abandoned Children Game Added a description in the deck, and ashort section about the game's setting and premise. 07/05/20 01:01PM 129 approved
121790 New Dlc Dlc 06/27/20 09:32AM 10 approved
115985 New Release Release 05/26/20 02:42PM 10 approved
115967 The Adventures of Fei Duanmu 端木斐异闻录 Game Added some basic game details. 05/26/20 12:54PM 8 approved
115699 New Game Game It's a game released on Steam with 1000+ reviews: I copied the name as it's listed on the store page, but it could perhaps be listed as "The Adventures of Fei Duanmu" with its Chinese title "端木斐异闻录" as an alias. 05/25/20 07:28AM 10 approved
115612 Troubleshooter Game Added some well-known similar games. 05/24/20 04:58PM 12 approved
115610 New Dlc Dlc 05/24/20 04:54PM 10 approved
115450 Troubleshooter Game Added the release date of the game (as listed by Steam). Added genres. Strategy genre was obvious pick, I added Role-playing due to the heavy focus on customising your character's passive and active abilities through the mastery system and also because there's several points in the story where you can pick dialogue or make other decisions. 05/23/20 02:24PM 34 approved