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#1  Edited By futureblues

@xatmos: Sorry, if I was an ass. It just gets on my nerves how people in the Souls community are constantly bragging and putting other players down with all this talk of "Oh, you actually leveled up your character? What are you a noob? Get rekt scrub." Or "It's stupid to grind when you can just cheat (which you suggested people do)." There are some amazing people in the Souls community, but there are also some real vile bullies (I'm not implying you are either, I don't know enough about you to make a fair judge of your character). I just get so frustrated with the people who need to brag, put other players down, insult other players, and/or invalidate other peoples' play-styles.

I guess seeing you post something that was nothing more than a brag for the sake of bragging, then saying that you weren't bragging struck a nerve. I admit I was wrong to jump on a 4 year-old post to vent my frustrations. I truly apologize.

At the same time, can't you see that not everyone who plays Souls games is a super pro, who want to get through everything at a low level. I know that many, many people (myself included) would rather grind for levels until a tough boss can't one-hit-kill me, rather than keep playing the fight over, and over, and over for hours until you finally get lucky. It diminishes our experience when you say that our method is unnecessary and invalid and then brag about beating the game at a far lower level than average.

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#2  Edited By futureblues

@xatmos: Dude, you can't brag, then say you aren't trying to brag. I mean saying your level and upgrades don't matter is seriously a dick move, in a game where they do actually matter. If you are so pro that you can beat the game on soul level one, good for you. But don't be an ass about it.