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Blogs for Quest Purposes only

Now don't get me wrong, I understand the irony of me writing this - after all, I have admitted that I'm only taking this up because of the quest system.  But hear me out.
I'm sure that plenty of people who otherwise wouldn't have been bothered to try the blog system are giving it a go now, but there's a troubling number of blog entries that read, more or less, as "I'm only doing this for the Quest."
Really?  You've got nothing to say?
The worst part is when these same people take their non-discussion-inspiring blog posts and add them to different forums.  As if there's not a 100% chance that the thread will be locked almost immediately.
Look, I realize that not everybody is going to put some thought or effort into their blog posts if they're going for the Quest - heck, I sure haven't on every occasion.  But at least I've tried, and (until now) I haven't put any of my blog posts into a forum.
If you're going to use the podium that Giant Bomb has given you, at least try to say something.  Why not?  You may end up being more interesting than you thought you were.

404: Not Found - Giant Bomb

404: Not Found

This page doesn’t exist. We’re willing to bet that it’s because you pasted in some dodgy URL that a “friend” of yours sent you. We think that means you should really take stock of your life and the people in it. After all, friends don’t send friends broken links.

Either that or something really weird and/or bad happened on our end. I mean, I guess that’s possible.