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Lovin it.

Hey Guys and Girls,
I've been on the site for about a month I think (too lazy to look) and am loving it.  As I have just hit 100 posts and will probably be around for quite a while I figure I'll make myself a bit more known.  I've always been interested in trying to start up a Blog or something like that and I feel this is the place to get started.  Seems to me that the community here is very welcoming and fair, minus a couple douche bags but that is nothing out of the ordinary.
I've been a gamer since day one as far as I can remember getting my first system when my Uncle gave me his old NES.  I heard about Giant Bomb like 2 years ago when attending PAX'08 and a good friend of mine, (Mustard on the site) wanted to see the panel.  Loved the style of GB and the back story of how it was created definitely makes it that much better of a site.  Attended PAX'09 and decided to visit the panel again and definitely got hooked.
I own a DS, 2 360's, and a PS3 and I wouldn't call myself a fanboy to any certain company. I used to own a Wii but got rid of it because it was just sitting collecting dust, and also have a couple of the older systems that I could never imagine getting rid of. 
I guess I'll be writing about the games I decide to pick up as I don't buy many games at all.  Only ones that have any sort of long term replay value or some kind of collecting/personal value.  If I really want to play it I'll rent it and get as far through it as possible. Action/Adventure and FPS seem to be the games I play the most but I do dabble in some other things and really want to pick up Demon's Souls and get frustrated with that.
Anyways hopefully my first time with you didn't put you to sleep but I'll try harder next time I guess.
(I always leave with a "Respect." instead of a bye or ciao or cheers.  My Dad is Jamaican and always used it so I picked it up from him.)