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Ignorance truly is bliss when it comes to Starcraft 2's community

 I've been playing a lot of Starcraft 2 recently alongside posting frequently on the lawless Starcraft 2 EU forums and this is where my problem begins: I went to the forums. 

I should have learned to stay away from such things after viewing the World of Warcraft forums but I thought to myself merrily "this'll be different, it's an RTS not an MMO, these are skilful players, not casual MMO players who do everything with the mouse" ...boy I couldn't be more wrong. It seems Blizzard advertising Starcraft 2 on the World of Warcraft websites has had a major negative effect on the forums, as the World of Warcraft players had dragged themselves out of those raids to come and have a try at Blizzard's new game, finding it wasn't like Warcraft at all as Blizzard didn't hold their hand throughout the whole of it. So what do they do? They do what they always do and proceed to make at least 40 threads a day on the same topics about how they should be able to gain achievements on Casual difficulty or that Blizzard ripped them off or that macros are too hard. These are continuously piled up next to the streams of posts about balancing, the lack of chat channels and features which are missing or they would like implemented.
I was previously content with the game until these people made me realise what was missing or what could have been and I have now been brainwashed and accepted into their whining-cult, complaining about how terrible the custom game system is or how "Blizzard only wants money!!!!!11111"
Next time I get a new game it'll be different, next time I’ll ignore the community forums.... I hope.