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#1  Edited By garudalicious

I see a lot of things about artistic integrity floating around...I think I do not understand the concept of "artistic integrity" very well, so I want to ask:

The discussion around artistic integrity seems to suggest that it is somehow wrong or inappropriate for fans/consumers to voice complaint about the ending or request a new one.

However, I disagree with the premise that artistic integrity is a function of fan reaction or their requests. If Bioware believe in their art and believe it should not be changed, they will stand by what they delivered and accept the consequences of possible monetary loss. Such a stance would exemplify artistic integrity. I might dislike it if they were to do this, but I could respect the stance.

On the other hand, if they choose to address the complaints and modify the ending it would be of their own accord, for reasons they feel justify the changes. Whether their reasons are financially, a desire to appease their fans, or anything else, it's ultimately their decision.

As such I don't understand why changes or additions they produce, for reasons they feel are justified, would be considered an *inherent* degradation of the original piece?