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Yay for sony(PS3 price drop)

WTF! sony has announced a 100 dollar price drop on the PS3! it's almost as if they actually want to sell the thing! My question is why'd it take so dang long for them to move their console within a reasonable albeit still rather pricey range. If they had done this in the first place they might no be in the mess that their in now.


New Age Obsession

In this here 21st century their is a lot of great technology floating around. The world wide web is just one of many great examples of said tech. Strange things have been happening with the progress of our internet friendly devices; they seem to becoming increasingly "me centric." It's to the point that it is a social norm for someone to send and recieve calls or texts during most social events. What happened to when people would hang out with their friends without updating their facebook or twitter. On a side note.... who really gives a damn about the small and insignificant things that people post to twitter. Uhhh..... eating a sandwich? Breathing? Blinking? AGHHH!!! It isn't necessary for people to know what a boring and insignificant life that yous lead. Sadly enough people will actually spend time drooling over these sorts of status updates. Don't get me wrong, I like the internet and think that it is a Godsend ,but I think that your personal life belongs to you and not to all of the millions of cyberstalkers out on the web. Be concious of that next time you are on the internet, and the time after that, and the time after that, and the time after that...... to infinity and beyond. you get it.      


False Pretenses

Six months ago or so my mom was on AOL and happened to see an article. This article was titled the top seven worst video games of all time. after my mom read  this I got a questioning as to if I'd seen or played any of these games. on this list were  GOW, deadspace, fallout 3, and fable 2. After an adamant defense of the age old video game and violence argument  on my part, I was told not to play these games .A few days later I was playing Fable 2 and I just about got caught. Had I been caught in this "heinious" act I would have got  into big trouble. What I'm wondering is why does the mainstream media publish these sorts of article that are damaging towards the video game industry. This is especially irratating to me because more than likely, the article was written by a Jack Thompson parrot, or a completly misinformed journalist looking for a way to start a buzz on the interwebs. This seems shameful that gaming must be portrayed as an evil habit because the few poorly researched articles and the extremely rare death attributed  videogames.  Yeah right... you shoot a few people and it's not because of video games, you got a few screws loose in the first place. But there are hopeful signs. The media is having to begrudgingly admit that video games are becoming a viable medium meant to express peoples  thoughts and feelings, and that they are here to stay!         


Same old, Same, old question

So i know that this question's been asked a million times but, " Where do I start if I want to go into the games industry? " This is an interesting quandary for someone that's my particular age... I'm not even old enough to purchase an M rated game! so this leads me to wonder, how the hell do I start making a mark on the community of video games? In this vast expanse I tend to feel lost. It seems as if I can't really break in to this community. So I Just wasted a minute of you're life asking an old and tired question about the industry, so why don't you give me some suggestions.   


Try It!

Digging around in my room I happened upon an ancient relic. Oh wait..... this is isn't an artifact! It's my Game Boy! As I dusted it off I realized that the last time that I had played it was, well I don't remember the last time that I played it. This was convenient for the long and boring car ride I would have to endure that very day. I popped in a copy of Super Mario World and I was off!  Now at the end of the game I realized that I had stumbled upon a great time waster. Not only are the games cheap for the GBA, but some of the games still manage to be fun. Needless to say I will be wasting my time re-discovering a platform long since forgotten.