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Infamous vs Prototype

thought I'd give my own 2 cents.



 I love running around NYC but it doesn't feel real. the textures feel pasted on and overly shiny. Infamous, on the other hand, has a city that really feels alive, with every detail beautifully crafted and well thought out.


 so much more fun in prototype. all the climbing and jumping in infamous gets old really fast


 goes to infamous. the bosses weren't hard but they were very interesting. prototypes boss battles didn't give any sense of acomplishment and the final boss is a pain until you know the trick and then its painfully easy.
graphics- infamous looks nice but there are moments when the animation feels way off. some of the running animations. but in prototype the camera can cut through the models in cutscenes and that looks aweful. infamous has style, prototype has realism.

final feelings-

finishing prototype left me with a hollow feeling in my gut. the final boss feels like they couldn't find anything better. they should have had more battles with the hunter, some plot hook to make it really really important to kill him. he feels so cookie-cutter. you have to beat him because he's in the way,they could have filled that role with anything, even a tank or a bunch of soldiers. The should kept the specialist human and have him turn on you or keep Elizabeth as the running villain. she had so much developmental charater. 
I loved the moral system of imfamous and I cose the evil ending. I go through all the trouble and for what? a  little MUHAHA. sheesh!! have him hook up with sasha, have us choose whether we kill her, free her or seduce her. the army is getting ready to take back the raysphere they think is still intact and so you do what? run around the city after the final scene doing those quests. let me consolidate my power, send the world a message that I control this city. I wanted to control the reavers. there could have been a whole nother part of the game. but nooooo. what really stings is that I'm every one's worst nightmare and the next game will probably start with me running to a new city and starting over. 

also a note:

DESTRUCTIBLE BUILDINGS: its not any fun when every explosion looks the same. its even less fun when its like it never happened after 5 min. Even just 2 explosion animations would have been enough. and have a few buildings stay ruined! they went through the trouble of painting a hole on geneteks roof after you know what. so why not pick like one hive and one base that stay ruined the whole game? and whats with disappearing gore? blood is gone in like 5 min. that is so silly. have the gore stay for a real time day or two. You could paint whole buildings.
which reminds me : WHY Prototype WHY can't I aim manually? just give me a view finder like infamous. seriously. I want to paint a wall red for the heck of it.
Also later in the game all soldiers should alert when they see normal alex. would make things much more stealth based. And have a few more enemy types.


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Edited By GeckoQueen

thought I'd give my own 2 cents.



 I love running around NYC but it doesn't feel real. the textures feel pasted on and overly shiny. Infamous, on the other hand, has a city that really feels alive, with every detail beautifully crafted and well thought out.


 so much more fun in prototype. all the climbing and jumping in infamous gets old really fast


 goes to infamous. the bosses weren't hard but they were very interesting. prototypes boss battles didn't give any sense of acomplishment and the final boss is a pain until you know the trick and then its painfully easy.
graphics- infamous looks nice but there are moments when the animation feels way off. some of the running animations. but in prototype the camera can cut through the models in cutscenes and that looks aweful. infamous has style, prototype has realism.

final feelings-

finishing prototype left me with a hollow feeling in my gut. the final boss feels like they couldn't find anything better. they should have had more battles with the hunter, some plot hook to make it really really important to kill him. he feels so cookie-cutter. you have to beat him because he's in the way,they could have filled that role with anything, even a tank or a bunch of soldiers. The should kept the specialist human and have him turn on you or keep Elizabeth as the running villain. she had so much developmental charater. 
I loved the moral system of imfamous and I cose the evil ending. I go through all the trouble and for what? a  little MUHAHA. sheesh!! have him hook up with sasha, have us choose whether we kill her, free her or seduce her. the army is getting ready to take back the raysphere they think is still intact and so you do what? run around the city after the final scene doing those quests. let me consolidate my power, send the world a message that I control this city. I wanted to control the reavers. there could have been a whole nother part of the game. but nooooo. what really stings is that I'm every one's worst nightmare and the next game will probably start with me running to a new city and starting over. 

also a note:

DESTRUCTIBLE BUILDINGS: its not any fun when every explosion looks the same. its even less fun when its like it never happened after 5 min. Even just 2 explosion animations would have been enough. and have a few buildings stay ruined! they went through the trouble of painting a hole on geneteks roof after you know what. so why not pick like one hive and one base that stay ruined the whole game? and whats with disappearing gore? blood is gone in like 5 min. that is so silly. have the gore stay for a real time day or two. You could paint whole buildings.
which reminds me : WHY Prototype WHY can't I aim manually? just give me a view finder like infamous. seriously. I want to paint a wall red for the heck of it.
Also later in the game all soldiers should alert when they see normal alex. would make things much more stealth based. And have a few more enemy types.
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Edited By HitmanAgent47

Infamous imo is the better game. I don't need to say only my opinion, it also has the higher score overall averagely. Not only that, I don't really enjoy prototype at all.

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Edited By SethPhotopoulos

Those games aren't the same types of games at all. 
And if one games better than the other it doesn't mean the other one sucks.

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Edited By swamplord666

extremely different games IMO. Prototype is balls out crazy action and taking out a ton of enemies at once whereas Cole is alot more fragile so killing individual enemies is alot more satisfying. I could keep going but it's late. I'll just say that after one playthrough of Prototype, I was done. I'm still set on 100%-ing Infamous is in my goals... but the last shard was fucking driving me up the wall!!

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I think when your game is getting a high profile sequel and your competitor is being given away for free to people who buy Singularity kinda cements you as the better game.  Again that is just my opinion.

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Edited By landon

Prototype sucked.

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Edited By AuthenticM
@Landon said:
" Prototype sucked. "
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Edited By Crixaliz

Character wise I thought Mercer was waay cooler.
The whole you start taking orders from Sasha if you go evil in Infamous was super lame. I wanted to be all solo evil badass, but no you have to be an errand boy.

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Edited By bravetoaster

Prototype was decent at first, but I lost interest in the middle of the game.  
I Gamefly is sending me inFamous in the mail and I hope it's better than Prototype.

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Edited By Three0neFive

The only people who like Prototype are the ones who don't have a PS3.
Seriously, I haven't talked to a single PS3 owner who's played both games and prefers Prototype. Infamous is better in literally every way.

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Edited By Junkerman

Infamous is a great game from a technical stand point, but I didn't find it compelling at all.

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Edited By GeckoQueen
@Three0neFive:  I PLAYED IT ON PS3 lol. Really I think I enjoyed prototype more. maybe  because I can rip people in two and kick their left over ribcage. but it was a close thing. I tried replaying infamous but it isn't as much fun the second time. prototype has more replay value for me because its such a quick game without the side missions. 
about infamous- don't you get tired of how cole clings to the walls and you have to spam jump a lot to climb. not to mention it that after you learn to call down lighting it gets too easy. that plus karmic overload. 
I don't know, really. I'm closer to liking them both the same than declaring a victor. Infamous does have a better ending though. and a better story. and a sequel... huh...
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Edited By SethPhotopoulos

Why do people feel the need to compare these 2 games?

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Edited By Azteck
@Three0neFive said:
" The only people who like Prototype are the ones who don't have a PS3. Seriously, I haven't talked to a single PS3 owner who's played both games and prefers Prototype. Infamous is better in literally every way. "
Didn't Ryan prefer Prototype? Or did he just say that inFamous didn't click for him? I can't remember.
And I have to say that, even from having played just small amounts of either games, inFamous is a million times better. While it's not exactly fair to compare them, it's still the superior game.
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Edited By louiedog
@Three0neFive said:
" The only people who like Prototype are the ones who don't have a PS3. Seriously, I haven't talked to a single PS3 owner who's played both games and prefers Prototype. Infamous is better in literally every way. "
Preferring one game doesn't mean people dislike the other. That's the kind of logic that fuels playground fights over Superman vs. Batman.