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An ME2 Insanity Run - Okay, Okay, Scary Blue Lady

NOTE: I realize the last few entries, and this one specifically, are way, way too long. I will be chopping them up into shorter pieces after this one. Sorry.  
Edit: I split the original entry in two. It looked even stupider than it's contents.

Shepard is now running with a pretty heavy crew: We've got everyone except Tali, A mystery profile that we cannot access yet, and this Justicar person, who is apparently on Illium, where we're still at. We should probably take care of this while we're here. 
In the continuing spirit of total honesty, which will rear it's hideous head later in this blog entry, I initiated this mission on this playthrough by accident. The mission initiates from a conversation with an officer in one of the marketplace plazas in Ilium, and was buttoning through some of the dialogue, as I often can read the subtitles far faster than the characters speak. 
 I chose the option which I thought would release me from the conversation, and let me walk over to a stand to call a transport to the area to begin the recruitment mission, which is how I thought this would work. Instead, the "I'll hail a cab" option has you actually perform that action, and there I was in the next area. This, any young readers, is why you should never try to be smart and read fast, just let other people and programmed objects tell you what to do. 

The Justicar, Samara, is a powerful asari biotic who has taken a vow to live by a code. That code means she is obligated to wipe out injustice, of any type, when she sees it, and not in a kind way. Her code is an old school, fire-and-brimstone, murder everyone kind of code. It's rare for a Justicar to be out of asari home turf, but she's here on Ilium, looking for someone or something, and everyone we talk to seems terrified that she's about to go off and start killing everyone she sees, as Ilium is a kind of Space-Vegas, where everyone's a little dirty. So, she's probably not the most fun at a kegger, but so far, all we've got is hearsay from others, lets go see what she's investigating,, and she if she will mellow out by hanging with us for a bit. 
This mission transports you to a discreet area, a warehouse district where an Eclipse mercenary gang is running wild. There has just been a murder, a volus merchant, who was probably shady himself, was gunned down in an alley. The Eclipse and the merchant's partner are prime suspects, but the local cops seem more nervous that the Justicar is looking around - as I said before, apparently if she thinks there is any wrongdoing going on, everyone must die, so maybe they are justified in feeling a bit uneasy. We talk to the local detective, and get permission to look around the crime scene, which is so secure that there are GODDAMN KILLERS WALKING AROUND IT!. Some cops, no wonder you're worried that more serious lawmen will find you wanting- as we come up a set of stairs in this alleyway crime scene, which has supposedly been secured, we roll up on, and quickly over, a couple of mechs, a couple lightly shielded mercs, and the first of many barrier-having asari Eclipse. We survive this encounter without much incident, which is to say that I have to retreat down the stairs to put additional angles and cover between myself and the enemies, and Miranda gets herself knocked out, but in a big-picture sense, no big thing. 
There is then a pretty cool cutscene in which we first see Samara the Justicar, interrogating a Eclipse mercenary, and not apparently worried about some Justicar Internal Affairs investigation over due process: We get to watch Samara turn blue with biotic power, scare this merc senseless, chuck her out a window using powers, float down to her battered suspect, try to get more answers, and then end her. Someone should remind me not to try a lot of sarcasm with her, should she sign on with us. She just doesn't seem the type who would get it. 
Without a lot of preamble, or even describing the mission, if I read the subtitles right, Shepard asks Samara to join up. She pretty much says yes, except she needs to find more info first on this dangerous person she's hunted all the way here - apparently the mercs smuggled her target off-world  just in front of Samara's arrival. If we can find out where she's at, Samara will likely help us out, and not kill all of the local authorities, who, in an effort to keep everyone from being scared crapless that they will be struck down by this blue avenging angel, and to protect less-than-clean business practices, have taken her in to custody. Apparently by her code, she will cooperate for 24 hours, then break out, destroying all in her path. she;s a fun lady, great to have on long car trips, I'm sure. 
We talk to some people, get some hot info on where the mercs are, and take the conveniently only elevator to their base. This mission has a few twists in it's combat,which keeps it from being another of the battle-through-this-warehouse areas that we see a bunch in this game. The enemies here are a few base eclipse troopers and LOKI mechs, and a bunch of asari Eclipse Vanguards and some-other-class-name-I-can't remember, who are tougher, smarter enemies, who have combos of barriers, armor and shields to go with their health bars, making them far more robust and a bit more dangerous, since they use some biotic powers a little more often than normal enemies.  
The other twist is that there are containers of this noxious gas/drug that amp up biotic powers when they blow up into a cloud of gas, but if you hang out near the cloud too long, you die. I think they dissipate fairly quickly, but on this difficulty, it becomes worthwhile to avoid the clouds as much as possible, to lessen the chance of problems. In my case, these problems would mean freaking out about where damage was coming from, ducking out of cover to find a safer place, and getting dead. Graceful panic under pressure, that's me. 
There was really no significant combat issues here, I remembered the final battle here, with the Eclipse leader, some backup and a bunch of these fun crates of poisonous death, as being tough. This time through, it went fairly well, as I am much more versed in using my squadmate's abilities and stay well back from any potential damaging fumes or crossfire. The Eclipse leader was dead before the last of her minions.

We've got our info for Samara, so she agrees not to murder the local police force, and join up with us, as long as we remain good; if we do bad stuff, and survive our mission, she may have to kill us afterward. We'll try to avoid that, I guess, if we can. Samara is a cool character, but I didn't use her a ton in my first playthrough, and I don't know if she'll crack the rotation here, either, although she is powerful. 

After talking to sweet Kelly, and getting conversation prompts for Grunts and Garrus' loyalty missions, we head to a secret Cerberus facility that has gone dark to see what's going on. It's says "Investigate Project Overlord", which is probably some mundane facility where they cook up new shipboard meals, right? Not a death trap nightmare of humans linked to computers, more rogue mechs and lots of loose Geth? No way that's possible. Let's go check it out. 
- Nick


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Edited By Ghostface318
NOTE: I realize the last few entries, and this one specifically, are way, way too long. I will be chopping them up into shorter pieces after this one. Sorry.  
Edit: I split the original entry in two. It looked even stupider than it's contents.

Shepard is now running with a pretty heavy crew: We've got everyone except Tali, A mystery profile that we cannot access yet, and this Justicar person, who is apparently on Illium, where we're still at. We should probably take care of this while we're here. 
In the continuing spirit of total honesty, which will rear it's hideous head later in this blog entry, I initiated this mission on this playthrough by accident. The mission initiates from a conversation with an officer in one of the marketplace plazas in Ilium, and was buttoning through some of the dialogue, as I often can read the subtitles far faster than the characters speak. 
 I chose the option which I thought would release me from the conversation, and let me walk over to a stand to call a transport to the area to begin the recruitment mission, which is how I thought this would work. Instead, the "I'll hail a cab" option has you actually perform that action, and there I was in the next area. This, any young readers, is why you should never try to be smart and read fast, just let other people and programmed objects tell you what to do. 

The Justicar, Samara, is a powerful asari biotic who has taken a vow to live by a code. That code means she is obligated to wipe out injustice, of any type, when she sees it, and not in a kind way. Her code is an old school, fire-and-brimstone, murder everyone kind of code. It's rare for a Justicar to be out of asari home turf, but she's here on Ilium, looking for someone or something, and everyone we talk to seems terrified that she's about to go off and start killing everyone she sees, as Ilium is a kind of Space-Vegas, where everyone's a little dirty. So, she's probably not the most fun at a kegger, but so far, all we've got is hearsay from others, lets go see what she's investigating,, and she if she will mellow out by hanging with us for a bit. 
This mission transports you to a discreet area, a warehouse district where an Eclipse mercenary gang is running wild. There has just been a murder, a volus merchant, who was probably shady himself, was gunned down in an alley. The Eclipse and the merchant's partner are prime suspects, but the local cops seem more nervous that the Justicar is looking around - as I said before, apparently if she thinks there is any wrongdoing going on, everyone must die, so maybe they are justified in feeling a bit uneasy. We talk to the local detective, and get permission to look around the crime scene, which is so secure that there are GODDAMN KILLERS WALKING AROUND IT!. Some cops, no wonder you're worried that more serious lawmen will find you wanting- as we come up a set of stairs in this alleyway crime scene, which has supposedly been secured, we roll up on, and quickly over, a couple of mechs, a couple lightly shielded mercs, and the first of many barrier-having asari Eclipse. We survive this encounter without much incident, which is to say that I have to retreat down the stairs to put additional angles and cover between myself and the enemies, and Miranda gets herself knocked out, but in a big-picture sense, no big thing. 
There is then a pretty cool cutscene in which we first see Samara the Justicar, interrogating a Eclipse mercenary, and not apparently worried about some Justicar Internal Affairs investigation over due process: We get to watch Samara turn blue with biotic power, scare this merc senseless, chuck her out a window using powers, float down to her battered suspect, try to get more answers, and then end her. Someone should remind me not to try a lot of sarcasm with her, should she sign on with us. She just doesn't seem the type who would get it. 
Without a lot of preamble, or even describing the mission, if I read the subtitles right, Shepard asks Samara to join up. She pretty much says yes, except she needs to find more info first on this dangerous person she's hunted all the way here - apparently the mercs smuggled her target off-world  just in front of Samara's arrival. If we can find out where she's at, Samara will likely help us out, and not kill all of the local authorities, who, in an effort to keep everyone from being scared crapless that they will be struck down by this blue avenging angel, and to protect less-than-clean business practices, have taken her in to custody. Apparently by her code, she will cooperate for 24 hours, then break out, destroying all in her path. she;s a fun lady, great to have on long car trips, I'm sure. 
We talk to some people, get some hot info on where the mercs are, and take the conveniently only elevator to their base. This mission has a few twists in it's combat,which keeps it from being another of the battle-through-this-warehouse areas that we see a bunch in this game. The enemies here are a few base eclipse troopers and LOKI mechs, and a bunch of asari Eclipse Vanguards and some-other-class-name-I-can't remember, who are tougher, smarter enemies, who have combos of barriers, armor and shields to go with their health bars, making them far more robust and a bit more dangerous, since they use some biotic powers a little more often than normal enemies.  
The other twist is that there are containers of this noxious gas/drug that amp up biotic powers when they blow up into a cloud of gas, but if you hang out near the cloud too long, you die. I think they dissipate fairly quickly, but on this difficulty, it becomes worthwhile to avoid the clouds as much as possible, to lessen the chance of problems. In my case, these problems would mean freaking out about where damage was coming from, ducking out of cover to find a safer place, and getting dead. Graceful panic under pressure, that's me. 
There was really no significant combat issues here, I remembered the final battle here, with the Eclipse leader, some backup and a bunch of these fun crates of poisonous death, as being tough. This time through, it went fairly well, as I am much more versed in using my squadmate's abilities and stay well back from any potential damaging fumes or crossfire. The Eclipse leader was dead before the last of her minions.

We've got our info for Samara, so she agrees not to murder the local police force, and join up with us, as long as we remain good; if we do bad stuff, and survive our mission, she may have to kill us afterward. We'll try to avoid that, I guess, if we can. Samara is a cool character, but I didn't use her a ton in my first playthrough, and I don't know if she'll crack the rotation here, either, although she is powerful. 

After talking to sweet Kelly, and getting conversation prompts for Grunts and Garrus' loyalty missions, we head to a secret Cerberus facility that has gone dark to see what's going on. It's says "Investigate Project Overlord", which is probably some mundane facility where they cook up new shipboard meals, right? Not a death trap nightmare of humans linked to computers, more rogue mechs and lots of loose Geth? No way that's possible. Let's go check it out. 
- Nick