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E3...what are you Looking Forward to??

Well you can answer that, but how about I tell you mine first!!
(Totally stole this idea from DCPC 10...)


Dragon Age: Origins


The first of three Bioware games I'm excited for, which makes sense because Bioware doesn't have a bad game to the name, and this looks to continue that streak. It looks to be like KOTOR with some Mass Effect Elements tied in. First off the Blood Effects look absolutely amazing. Bioware does an awesome job with the story, so  we'll have to wait and see what it will be all about.


Dark Void

 Capcom / Airtight Games

Capcom is another awesome company that has put out three awesome titles this year, and this looks to possibly be the best of them all...
The jetpacking action looks awesome, and the vertical cover looks intriguing...the story looks pretty good for a capcom game, and it looks like a ton of fun.


Half Life 2: Episode 3


This would be higher on my list, except for the fact that I doubt it will even be at E3. I just want to see that cliff hanger ending fulfilled where you go searching for Dr. Mosman, right after Eli dies. Anyway I cannot wait to see what happens..


Mafia II


This game looks pretty damn amazing, and I cannot wait to see what they are able to do, that separates this game from a GTA game. I'm a huge fan of open world games , because they're so big and there's so much to do.  I cannot wait for this game.


Alpha Protocol


I was a huge fan of former Obsidian game KOTOR II, which is made up of former Bioware people. I saw the trailer for this game where you have four options on what to do, and I feel like this game will take story telling to a whole new level. Your character acts out his lines, and you have a time limit to choose your line, which I think adds a whole knew demension to the morale choices, because you only have a few seconds to decide. It looks like Mass Effect meets the Bourne Conspiracy.


Star Wars the Old Republic


Another Bioware title I'm hyped for. I am a ginormus fan of the KOTOR game, and have played Each game ten times. This game is now an MMORPG, and it looks to take Story telling to a whole new level, where your personal story effects the landscape and environment around you, yet you can still interact with other real players. This could be the game to topple the Phenomenon of WOW.


Bioshock 2


Never played the original Bioshock (actually am buying it this week), but  I am really interested in playing it, and from what I've heard, it is amazing. Bioshock 2 doesn't look to disappoint either, and I really want to see where they take the idea of the game and how they tell the story from the point of view from the Big Daddy.


Assassins Creed 2


I'm a bit of a history buff, and I really loved the first Assassins creed, because it took into a time period very rarely explored in games, and gave it a very unique twist to it. Now mind you it wasn't without its faults, but it did create these amazing visuals and three living breathing cities. If UBisoft can make the game seem less repetitive and allow you to be more creative then I think that this game has potential to be one of 2009's best.

#2 Mass Effect 2


Bioware has some big stuff on their plate, but I know they will deliver with their third big title in the next year and a half. I loved Mass Effect and thought that the story was brilliant. It was the first groundbreaking game that had your character act out every single line of dialogue, which added a whole new level of realism to the game. If they can make the action more enjoyable, fix the fucked up MAKO, and get the AI to behave a little better in battles, then I think we can have one of the greatest RPGS of this generation.


Modern Warfare 2

Modern Warfare was one of the most delightful surprises of my life. I wasn't expecting much at all, but I found Modern Warefare's campagin to be excellent, tightly knitted, fast, well paced, and most of all meaningful. The gameplay was much improved, the weapons were really excellent, and the multiplayer was the best of any game ever. Modern Warfare 2 looks to amp up the graphics, make another awesome story, and add some improvements to the already excellent multiplayer. I am excited to hear about the story, and the fate of Soap, Gaz, and Captain Price. THIS LOOKS AMAZING...

Two games that I really want to see and hear about are Starcraft II and Diablo III, but Blizzard's saving it all for Blizzconn.

Anyway thanks for reading...