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You gotta try this game!!!

I'm not a platformer fan at all. I never liked the Old Metroid and Castelvania games, but YOU NEED TO PLAY SHADOW COMPLEX. I played about an hours worth of the game, and could not stop playing it. The game is very...very well done. It is clear that Epic games (GOW Devs) had a lot to do with the development of this game, because everything from the difficulty settings to the way that achievement and leaderboard info pops up during the game, is very EPIC like.  
The gamplay is like a platformer, but they implement mechanics that make it feel fresh and new.
The graphics are excellent, and I can really see myself playing this over and over again on difficulties, and not just for completions and achivements.
I never once felt like I was playing a downloadable arcade game. This game felt like I had physically walked into gamestop and paid for it. 

You owe it to yourself to check this bad boy out!!!
BTW I get Madden 2010 tomorrow, so we'll see how that turns out.