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Xbox 360 For $56???

I know what your saying. That's bull****!!! I have to say that the idea was a little crazy when it came to me. It all started last holiday season. I was eagerly awaiting my raise and bonus for the year. Well the company that I work for decided to move to a new building and used that as an excuse not to give bonuses and raises for the year.
Well to make a long story short, I wanted to see if I could buy a broken 360 and fix it. So the ebay hunt was on. After 2 weeks of misses, I got a hit. A Xbox 360 with a non-working DVD-rom drive. It came out to be $56.00 shipping included. Now it was the system itself. I had to buy a 120 gb hard drive, power adapter, av cables,controller and don't forget a new DVD-rom drive.  Well the full total was $234.04. Not a bad deal considering that the 360 Elite is $399.00. Thanks for reading.