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The Weekend

Well, finally burnt through 2 more games in my backlog this weekend. Got through Shadow Complex and Bioshock 2. First, Shadow Complex, I've wanted a game like that for a long time. I'm not one to 100% games, and I only got 55% of the weapons, but i thoroughly enjoyed the exploration aspect of the game. The 2.5 d combat was done very well, I may add. Bioshock 2  I finished, well... not exactly. I got to the final scene where Eleanor was escaping to the sub with the little sisters, oh yeah, spoiler, and then the game froze on me. I got really pissed since I hadn't saved since getting into Inner Persephone, so I simply looked up the good ending on youtube, and considered it beaten. It was, as many reviewers say, not as good as the first, but still an enjoyable game. Also, the multiplayer was surprisingly fun, although I can only see myself visiting it a couple of times. At the beginnning all I could think about was how happy I was to be back in Rapture. That's all i got for today