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Fallout: New Vegas... 50 Hours In.

Yeah, so I've been playing the game for about 50 hours now, and I've been enjoying it quite a bit... until now. At first, the only real problem I had with the game was that the karma system is absolutely god awful. It's just broken and completely illogical. Here's some bullets of what's happened with me and the karma system so far: 

  • The Powder Gangers start shooting at me from the beginning of the game, so I quickly gained a vilified reputation with them. So after finding one of their camps, and after defending myself when they opened fire on me, I went into the camp and walked up to a footlocker. The letters indicating the footlocker were red, and when I took some of the stuff, I lost Karma. Why is it not evil to take items off the enemy's bodies after I killed them but it is evil to take things out of their containers when they're not only dead but bad people themselves?
  • Some times when I shoot a random enemy, I'll gain karma, most frequently when I'd land a headshot in iron sights. Shooting someone in the head doesn't mean I have good morals, it means I have the skill to pull that off!
  • To test the previous example, I walked in to Good Springs and shot one of the citizens who lived there. Guess who gained Karma?!
Now, with the problems with the karma system out of the way, I want to address an even bigger, more concerning problem I've encountered with the game.  
So, for the main quest The House Always WIns I, you have to obtain the Platinum Chip that Benny stole from you and return it to Mr. House. So I do that, and I give the chip back to House (btw, I won a barter challenge to give me 1250 caps instead of 1000 for the return, but the game only gave me 1000 (?)). Now, The House Always Wins II requires me to have the Platinum Chip back in order to get into a secret base. The only problem is that House won't give me back the chip. The game literally won't allow me to go into a conversation with him. Every time I try to initiate one, he just tells me to go where the secret base is. The game is literally broken! How can I play a role-playing game when the game won't allow me to play the role I want to play? I played this 45-minute part three times before I decided to quit.
I was really having a good time with this game, just like when I was playing Fallout 3. But now, I really don't know if I want to play this game anymore. I'm so incredibly disappointed with this that I can't even stand to play any other part of this game. It's really a ridiculous, avoidable, frustrating shame.

Pro and Cons: Metro 2033

- Incredibly atmospheric; I love all the smoke in the environments
- The lighting is fantastic 
- Some pretty cool weapon designs 
- Rewards the player for exploring, and trust me, I love games that let you explore 
- Flashlight charger 
- Some pretty chilling parts  
- Killing a dude with a throwing knife
- Numerous glitches make some sections of the game incredibly frustrating and more difficult than they should be, especially when you're trying to take the stealthy approach. There were numerous times when I'd chuck a throwing knife directly into an enemies' neck, and instead of killing him, the knife would "disappear" and he wouldn't even respond to it. 
- Frame rate issues, especially if an explosion went off. Slideshow central! 
- Inconsistent AI. Sometimes they were fine, other times they were flat-out dumb, and other (more frustrating) times they could see THROUGH WALLS! 
- Somewhat anti-climactic ending. 
- Some of the enemy types kinda killed the vibe for me (Ex: the amebas) that I felt didn't fit into the story or atmosphere at all. 
I certainly had fun playing this game; I really got sucked into it and there were some concepts that intrigued me. Unfortunately, the amount of bugs and inconsistent AI almost drove me to insanity during certain sections. When I first saw shots of this game, I figured a Fall 2010 release, and I believe they should've shot for that time period. I felt the game was rushed in a way, and that extra time could've been used to fix the technical aspects and overall polish.
Overall Grade: B -  
Feel free to comment and post your Pros and Cons.