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Average score of 12 user reviews

The Frog in a Shallow Well 1

A Story About My Uncle is a pithy first person platforming video game by Gone North Games. As you start the game, your daughter asks you to tell her a story. You begin playing events out as you narrate them to your daughter. On a technical level the story telling is handled well. Incorporating itself into numerous functions of the game. For instance, whenever you quit the game the father has a bit of dialog to tuck his daughter in for the night and resume tomorrow. Challenges and secrets to be f...

4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

Bullshit reigns. 0

For thirty years, the gaming public has be matching digital blocks to clear boards, but this April we were given the opportunity with the Steam release of ReignMaker to do just that, with a twist. That twist, to my intense disappointment, is the implementation of an energy mechanic in a game that is not free to play. As you match tiles to defeat foes in a conquest mode you're gathering resources for your town, which you can then spend on your town to gather resources quicker and upgrade your ski...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

A Winning Charm 1

I've always felt that games inherently do a poor job at expressing emotions, that by their nature they are a rational art form. In a world that is in the players control, it is necessary that all of the parts fit and that there is not a mystery to what needs to be done. Threes is a game that operates exquisitely. As you match blocks of ones and twos into three blocks, you then match those three blocks into different multiples of three. I've found that a combination of never spending more for an ...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Southpark 64 for the modern player 0

Jazzpunk is a comedy in the burgeoning sub genre of first person games like Gone Home or Thirty Flights of Loving that seek to tell a linear story in a non-linear experience by shepherding the protagonist with incentives. This review is the hardest review I've ever attempted to write. Being a comedy, and a video game, many of the jokes are deadpan and are uniquely structured to the levels of the game. Because of that there were levels that hit the mark, such as Wedding Quake were hilarious. Ofte...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Lovely and well worth sharing with your family. 0

Octodad Dadliest Catch is an odd game: Octodad is about an octopus desperately trying to keep it together while he galumphs out the American Dream and be the best father that he can be. Every attempt to accomplish his role within the nuclear family drips with slapstick, pathos and even an unbearably affecting bravery in spots which smartly breaks up the comedy. In game terms, it’s little more than a tech demo fully realized. But on those same terms it’s a game which is feel-good thro...

3 out of 5 found this review helpful.

A Tale of Two Games 0

Paper Sorcerer is a tale of two vastly different experiences. One part being the popular genre of dungeon crawling turn based role playing games. The other part in the exploration of a sleek monochrome three-dimensional environment where areas are set apart more by their flourishing shadows than light sources. Each different stage you fight your way through and clear leads to widely varying stages both in combat to look of the three-dimensional environments.Your player character, a sorcerer stuc...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Hail, Caesar, those who are about to die salute thee. 0

"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"At the time of its release Total War: Rome was hailed as the most personal of strategy games - the first strategy game series to deal with planning as well as spectacle. Few things were more satisfying than watching your elephants flatten a troop of hoplites or see your calvary break a line. That was nearly a decade ago and while the game looks much better than the original Rome, not much has changed in the ensuing y...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Double Fine creates a novel routine that is as tedious as the subject it satirizes 0

Free-to-play games are consistently monotonous. Monotony, while often maligned in games, is equally ignored for it’s potentially positive attributes. When I first started playing Middle Manager of Justice, the way I tend to play games clashed with this new model. The way I tend to play games is long chunks of uninterrupted play. It became clear that if I wanted to complete the game, and enjoy my time doing so, I need to reduce my one to two hour chunks a day to fifteen minutes whenever I had the...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Congenital hindsights and neurotic dialog with Borderlands 2 0

In a systematic manner, Gearbox the developers of Borderlands 2 have iterated on their originally revolutionary idea, and conceived a sequel that despite a ton of polish doesn’t quite hack it. The game is riddled with the worst of MMO game design, ie yo-yoing, and contains shared loot which is about as old-fashioned of a farce to co-op RPGs as you can get. These hindsights do not ruin the game, they just make the experience of co-op undesirable since the enemies scale to your level. You are bett...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Authentic Hong Kong New Wave story & Bully's spiritual successor 0

The first time I remember hearing about this Sleeping Dogs was in an interview with Mike Skupa, it was still under the alias True Crime: Hong Kong. This was a dark period for the game because soon after it was dropped by it's original publisher Activision and picked up by Square Enix. While I was watching the interview Mike Skupa gave on the game, I reminisced how great his prior game was Bully from Rockstar and as soon as I picked up Sleeping Dogs I knew that this was his spiritual successor to...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Roguelikeish RTS/RPG that may challenge your preconceived notions 0

Adam Smith once said, "Virtue is more to be feared than vice, because its excesses are not subject to the regulation of conscience." Krater, the top down RPG/RTS put out by the Swedish developer Fatshark AB, has a video game conscience. It's vice it employs is repetition, and it regulates this vice so well that I only acknowledged it as a vice upon reflection. The game sets you in a charming post apocalyptic Sweden with a similar art style to Fallout and Borderlands where your party of mercenari...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Super Monday Night Logistics 0

When you first load up Super Monday Night Combat, as someone who played the original Monday Night Combat, you will notice the drastic changes they made to the game. As someone who played the original Monday Night Combat and someone who has been a fan of MOBAs' since DOTA I can say that Super Monday Night Combat is an actual MOBA. Monday Night Combat while entertaining did not have the long lasting appeal that actual MOBA games offer. Other than the strategies you developed before the game throug...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.