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Excited For Killzone 2?

So I've been pretty excited for Killzone 2 since i saw the initial trailer back in 2005??? I think thats when it came out, and that trailer was so amazing to me, because i had never seen cinematic gameplay like that. I mean at that time the Xbox 360 wasn't even out yet, so we didnt know what to expect from the "next generation of games". I mean now you have your gears of wars and halos and call of dutys, but when I saw that trailer i thought no shooter would ever be able to top it.

So today I've been checking out the new trailers that have been released for the game, and they still look spectacular. I mean the way the enemies fall when dead, the explosions, the muzzle flash. I seriously can't get enough of these videos and I really wanna see if sony sticks true to their word in gameplay. Now I should first address, I don't own a PS3. But I do know a couple people who own a PS3, so this might make me more motivated to buying the game. Thats right BUYING THE GAME.

So I'm thinkin this might be the first PS3 game that I ever buy, because to me its just stunning enough to get my dollar, and I thinking game of the year at this point. Idk check it for yourself


Working as a Electronics Specialist

So today at Target (i work salesfloor) they needed someone to cover electronics for the day, and I jumped on it, because I really enjoy working over there. It was my lucky day, cuz I was greated by the region's xbox rep. He didn't give me any free stuff, but was really cool and just chilled and chatted with me for awhile. As you can imagine he had some really interesting updates to tell me about Halo Wars, but nothing you wouldn't know from watch CES. Anyways he went on to talk about his gaming life, but I had a good day as u can imagine =) peace.