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First Post

Um, this is my first blog post. I should probably introduce myself. My name is Max Nelson and I am a nineteen year old male living in Lincoln, NE. I was born in Florida but I've lived in Lincoln for most of my life. I've been gaming ever since first grade or so, I don't even remember. But gaming is something I hold very dearly and it's one of the very few constants in my chaotic and ever changing life. I'm also very much into music and I love all types of music but if I had to pick a favorite genre it'd probably be punk rock or freak folk. I also like to draw and write. I have an art blog of pictures I've made on mspaint. There's nothing good about my pictures but I like them. Overall I try to be an open-minded person and humble person. I try not to be rash and evaluate all sides of an argument before saying anything. So that's all I have for now, just a bite-sized look into the psyche of myself.